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JavaRanch Newsletter Articles in this issue :
Exploring JSP Documents
(XML Style JSP Pages)
Carl Trusiak,
Printable Version
JLS 15.12 in Plain EnglishValentin Crettaz Printable Version
Cattle Drive UpdateJason Adam
Pauline McNamara
Printable Version
Book Review of the MonthCindy Glass
Madhav Lakkapragada
Printable Version
January GiveawaysCarl Trusiak Printable Version
January NewsCarl Trusiak Printable Version

Exploring JSP Documents (XML Style JSP Pages)
By Carl Trusiak, SCJP2, SCWCD

Download the war file containing the examples

Providing the ability for an XML representation of a JSP page, also called a JSP Document, is not a new concept. The standards for it started as a vision with Specs for JSP 1.0. The intention was to allow JSP editing using XML tools. However, time ran out and it was not included. During the development of JSP 1.1, multiple mapping issues were identified and while standards were started, work was postponed to later revisions. Finally, with the release of JSP 1.2, a complete set of specifications and mappings are now available. The following examples require a JSP 1.2 compliant server to function properly. Tomcat 4 is the reference implementation for JSP 1.2.

Every JSP element with the exception of <%-- comment --%> has an XML equivalent or replacement. The syntax for a few are exactly the same in JSP style and XML style. These include :

  • jsp:forward
  • jsp:include
  • jsp:plugin
  • jsp:useBean
  • jsp:getProperty
  • jsp:setProperty
  • Accessing a custom tag's functionality.

    Why worry about a JSP Document instead of the standard JSP Page? If you are one of those studying for your Sun Certified Web Component Developer Certification, it is part of the objectives. Beyond that, the Specifications for JSP 1.2 give some very valid reasons.

  • JSP documents can be passed directly to the JSP container; this will become more important as more and more content is authored as XML.
  • The XML view of a JSP page can be used for validating the JSP page against some description of the set of valid pages.
  • JSP documents can be manipulated by XML-aware tools.
  • A JSP document can be generated from a textual representation by applying an XML transformation, like XSLT.
  • A JSP document can be generated automatically, say by serializing some objects

    Converting a JSP Page to a JSP document is a fairly simple process. Let's look at a very easy page.

                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
    Whenever converting a JSP Page to a JSP Document, you need to include a root element which contains the rest of the document. HTML presents it's own issues for an XML Document. To allow HTML inside your JSP Document, it all needs to be wrapped in a jsp:text element. Specifying the element to be of type CDATA eliminates the need to escape special characters. Therefore, the equivalent page becomes.
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
    Not very much of a difference. However, that was an extremely simple page. Things speed up when scriptlets and declarations are added into the mix. This introduces the main elements that are different in a JSP Document and a JSP Page; the page directive, scriptlets, declarations and expressions.
            <%@ page import="java.util.Date, java.text.SimpleDateFormat" %>
                Date d = new Date();
                String dateString = getFormattedDate (d);
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
                  The date and time is :  <%= dateString %>
                String getFormattedDate(Date d)
                    SimpleDateFormat simpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm");
                    return simpleDate.format(d);
    The equivalent XML syntax for each of these elements are:
  • < pageDirectiveAttrList />
  • <jsp:scriptlet>scriptlet</jsp:scriptlet>
  • <jsp:declaration>declaration</jsp:declaration>
  • <jsp:expression>expression</jsp:expression>

    One thing to note, if the scriptlet, declaration or expression contains special characters, be sure to wrap it in a CDATA element to prevent the need for escaping.

            < import="java.util.Date, java.text.SimpleDateFormat" />
                Date d = new Date();
                String dateString = getFormattedDate (d);
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
                  The date and time is :  ]]></jsp:text>
                String getFormattedDate(Date d)
                    SimpleDateFormat simpleDate = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm");
                    return simpleDate.format(d);
    The one other place that JSP Documents differ from JSP Pages is the declaration of TagLibs. On a JSP Page, you would use the syntax:
    <%@ taglib url="URI" prefix="tagPrefix" %>
    While a JSP Document declares this as a set of attributes for the root element. For the following example, I'm using the DateTime TagLib available from the Jakarta TagLib Project. The first thing you may notice is how well a custom tag cleans up the appearance of the page.
            <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="dt" %>
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
                  The date and time is :  
                    <dt:format pattern="dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm">
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>
                  The date and time is : ]]>
                      <dt:format pattern="dd-MMMM-yyyy hh:mm">
    While these examples are fairly simple, they demonstrate most of the information you need to effectively convert any JSP Page to a JSP Document. The end result does not have to be html. These methods can be used to genterate an xml output if needed by the system.

    One final reason I can think of for using JSP Documents, it allows the JSP engine to use a more efficient XML Parser during the translation phase. I included two files that have parse errors on them to show the stack trace. error.jsp and errorxml.jsp

  • JLS 15.12 (Method Invocation Expressions) in Plain English

    This article aims at giving a more understandable description of what a method invocation expression really is. The Java Language Specification is targeted at people having a certain mathematical background. What we are trying to do here is to explain its content to people having a moderate experience in technical English and willing to get to know Java in a more advanced way without coping with pure maths.

    There are a lot of things going on under the hood when methods are invoked. First of all, a method is to be seen as a service a class provides to itself and/or to other classes.

    Whenever the compiler encounters a method invocation it has to figure out which method is to be invoked and most importantly where to find its implementation.

    To get the ball rolling let's just think of some real-life examples. If we want to order a pizza, we have to call a pizza delivery place and not the immigration office or the hospital. If we want to buy a car, we sure don't go to Starbucks or the train station. Put shortly, we have to find the right place where we are sure we are going to get the service we need.

    "we" stands here for the compiler which is in charge of turning the human-readable Java code you have written into bytecode the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) will understand. And that's exactly how we are going to proceed here, we will try to "think" exactly the same way the compiler does. Trying to figure out what the compiler does and how it works is an excellent exercise not only to gain in-depth knowledge of the compilation process but also to spare development time by recognizing code that will result in compile-time and run-time errors.

    The following table shows how this article is organized. In order to keep things pretty much organized the same way as in Section 15.12 of the the Java Language Specification (JLS), we decided to keep the same structure. The first part discusses the three steps performed at compile-time while the second focuses on what is achieved at run-time by the linker and interpreter.
    Compile Time Step 1 Determine Class or Interface to Search
    Step 2 Determine Method Signature
    Step 3 Is The Chosen Method Appropriate?
    Run-time Step 4 Compute Target Reference (If Necessary)
    Step 5 Evaluate Arguments
    Step 6 Check Accessibility of Type and Method
    Step 7 Locate Method to Invoke
    Step 8 Create Frame, Synchronize, Transfer Control

    Ok, let's go. Below is a slightly modified version of the method invocation expression given in JLS 15.12:
                          Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      TypeName  .         Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      FieldName .         Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      Primary   .         Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      super     .         Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      ClassName . super . Identifier (ArgumentListopt)
      ArgumentList , Expression

    Although those expressions may seem overly complex, they are not. We can see that the part after the left paranthesis, that is ArgumentListopt), is common to all four cases. By investigating the form BEFORE the left paranthesis, we notice that we always find an Identifier which may be qualified or not. To qualify a method means that we have a clue of where the method may reside and we want to specify it (with the dot-notation). So, we will look into those six different cases and explain when they are used and what purposes they serve.

    Moreover, we are going to illustrate the concepts using the following example which contains at least one sample of each expression given above:

    1. public class MethodInvocation extends Object{
    2. public MethodInvocation(){
    3. }
    4. public void anInstanceMethod(){
    5. this.anotherInstanceMethod();
    6. aStaticMethod("test1");
    7. Class c = getClass();
    8. }
    9. public void anotherInstanceMethod(){
    10. }
    11. public static void aStaticMethod(String s){
    12. }
    13. public static MethodInvocation getMethodInvocationInstance(){
    14. return new MethodInvocation();
    15. }
    16. public String toString(){
    17. return super.toString();
    18. }
    19. public static void main(String args[]){
    20. aStaticMethod("test2");
    21. MethodInvocation.aStaticMethod("test3");
    22. MethodInvocation mi = getMethodInvocationInstance();
    23. mi.anotherInstanceMethod();
    24. getMethodInvocationInstance().anInstanceMethod();
    25. Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
    26. System.exit(0);
    27. }
    28. }

    Step 1. Compile-Time Step 1: Determine Class or Interface to Search

    The compiler first has to discover the class --what we called a "place"-- in which the method --what we called a "service"-- we need is defined.

    1. The first form is the simplest of all and is used to:
      • invoke static or non-static methods contained in the same class as the caller method, or
      • invoke non-static methods inherited from superclasses.
      Identifier is the method name itself. It is a simple name being a valid Java identifier as explained in JLS 3.8 Identifiers.
      Lines 5, 6, 7, 20 and 22 above show that concept. Lines 5,6 and 20 contain invocations to methods defined in MethodInvocation whereas line 7 invokes getClass which is inherited from the superclass Object and line 22 invokes the static method getMethodInvocationInstance defined in the same class, that is MethodInvocation.
    2. In the second form, TypeName . Identifier, we say that the invocation of the method Identifier is qualified. TypeName is in fact the name of the class that contains the method Identifier. It is easy to see that this form is only used to invoke static methods and that a compile-time error occurs if TypeName is the name of an interface rather than a class since interfaces cannot have static methods.
      On line 21, we invoke the static method named aStaticMethod defined in the class MethodInvocation. Note that since the method aStaticMethod is in the same class as the invocation expression, it has the same functionality as the unqualified invocation on lines 6 and 20.
      On line 26, we invoke the static method exit defined in the class System. In this case, the qualified invocation expression is needed since we have to specify where the method called exit is to be found, that is in class System.
    3. In the third form, FieldName . Identifier, the invocation of the method Identifier is also qualified. FieldName is now the name of a reference to an object (an instance of a class). The class or interface to search is the declared type of the field named FieldName. This form is used to invoke a static or non-static method on a specific object.
      On line 23, we invoke the non-static method anotherInstanceMethod on the reference mi of type MethodInvocation.
      This invocation form may also be used to invoke a static method and the type of FieldName will be used to determine the class as it was the case in the second form. This is bad practice as far as readability and consistence are concerned, though. Basically, one should use the second form to invoke static methods and the third form to invoke non-static methods.
      Note: Readability sure is a matter of personal taste. But the bottom line is that it is much better to settle for some kind of consistence while coding, that is invoke instance methods declared in the same class using the keyword this (as on line 5) and invoke static method declared in the same class using the class name (as on line 21). That way developers will grasp much more quickly the intent of your code and won't need to search for the place where the method is declared.

    4. In the fourth form, Primary . Identifier, the invocation of the method Identifier is qualified as well. Primary is now an expression whose type is used to determine the class or interface providing the implementation of the method Identifier. This form is only used to invoke non-static methods.
      Line 24 contains two different method invocation expressions. The one on the left side, getMethodInvocationInstance, is what we call the Primary expression here (you may notice that the method is invoked using the very first form we have discussed above). Then, the return type of that method (MethodInvocation) is used to determine the class or interface which provides the implementation of the method on the right side, anInstanceMethod. Put shortly, getMethodInvocationInstance is invoked and returns an instance of the class MethodInvocation upon which the method anInstanceMethod will then be invoked.
      Be aware that Primary may be a complex expression, that is an expression chain as on line 25. The most important thing to know is that the evaluation goes from left to right.
    5. In the fifth form, super . Identifier, Identifier is the name of the method to invoke and it can be found in the superclass of the class containing the invocation. This form is used to invoke static and non-static methods defined in the superclass of the class containing the invocation.
      From this, we can logically derive that two error cases may arise, namely when the class containing the invocation is the class Object (Object has no superclass) or when the invocation is contained within an interface (interfaces do not contain any implementation).
      Why do we need this invocation pattern if methods (except private) are inherited anyway? Well, the case may arise where you may want to override (an instance method) or hide (a static method) declared in the superclass in order to provide your class with a more specific behavior.
      Line 16 to 18 show the concept. The class MethodInvocation contains an overridden declaration of the toString method originally declared in class Object. But for now we are happy with the default implementation of method toString and decide to rely on the behavior provided by class Object until our needs evolve. Thus, we invoke toString of class Object using the prefix super and return the result.
      As a rule of thumb, as soon as you override and/or hide a method and you want to invoke the overridden/hidden method, you'll need to prefix the method name with super.. This way you bypass the overriding method in your class.
    6. The last form, ClassName . super . Identifier, is used when dealing with inner classes. The name of the method is Identifier and it is to be found in the superclass of the class ClassName. The next requirement is that ClassName MUST be a lexically enclosing class of the class containing the invocation (in brief it means that the class containing the invocation is a member class of ClassName, see JLS 8.1.2), otherwise a compile-time error occurs. A compile-time error occurs as well if the class in which the invocation occurs is Object or an interface (for the same reason stated in the fifth form).

    The goal of this first step was to determine the class or interface which contains the method to invoke. Now that we know exactly where to search we have to look for the right method to invoke. This is done in the second step where we will investigate which method signature fits best the invocation expression.

    In the rest of this article, we will use the same code examples as in the JLS.

    Step 2. Compile-Time Step 2: Determine Method Signature

    The choice of the right method is based on the method descriptor.

    Note: Method signature? Method descriptor? What are they? The method signature is composed of the method name and the parameter list (ordered!). The method descriptor takes the method signature AND the return type.

    This step consists of two sub-steps:
    1. we have to find the method declarations that are both applicable and accessible
    2. we have to find the most specific method since several method declarations may meet the previous requirement.


    Two conditions must be met for a method declaration to be applicable:

    • the number of arguments in the method invocation expression MUST be the same as the number of parameters in the method declaration.
      That is, if the method you want to invoke declares having 3 parameters, you have to provide 3 arguments.
    • the type of each actual argument can be converted to the type of the corresponding parameters.
      That means that you cannot provide a double if a String is required, for instance.
      Conversion issues are discussed in the sections 5.2 (Assignment Conversion) and 5.3 (Method Invocation Conversion) of the JLS.

    The class or interface we found in the previous step as well as all its superclasses and superinterfaces are searched for all method declarations applicable to the method invocation we are trying to resolve.


    Accessibility depends on what type of access the method has been granted (public, none, protected or private) and where the invocation expression appears. See Section 6.6 (Access Control) of the JLS for specific details concerning accessibility.

    To get a better understanding of the applicability and accessibility concepts, let's have a look at the following code borrowed from JLS (Find Methods that are Applicable and Accessible):
    1. public class Doubler {
    2. static int two() {return two(1);}
    3. private static int two(int i) {return 2*i;}
    4. }
    5. class Test extends Doubler {
    6. public static long two(long j) {return j+j;}
    7. public static void main(String[] args) {
    8. System.out.println(two(3));
    9. System.out.println(Doubler.two(3)); //compile-time error
    10. }
    11. }

    • On line 2, we invoke the method two with one int argument (1) from within class Doubler. We can see that we have two methods named two within class Doubler but only the second one (on line 3) is applicable because its parameter list matches the argument list of the invocation expression on line 2. At runtime, the method named two on line 3 will be invoked.
    • On line 8, we invoke the method two with one int argument (3) from within class Test. From the latter's perspective, we have three methods named two but the one on line 2 is not applicable because the parameter list is empty. The one on line 3 is applicable since it fulfills the applicability requirements stated above but it is not accessible (private accessibility) and thus cannot be used. The only applicable and accessible method is the one on line 6 (Note that the argument 3 is converted to long) within class Test.
    • On line 9, we try to invoke a non-accessible (private modifier!!) method in class Doubler. The compiler will choke on this and spit some error stating that: two(int) has private access in Doubler, which is quite understandable.

    If we don't manage to find any method declaration that is both applicable and accessible, then an error during the compilation process will result as it is the case on line 9.

    Locate the Most Specific Method

    The case where several methods are applicable and accessible arises while overloading methods. What do we do then? We just have to choose the most specific one. How do we do that?
    The JLS says:

    The informal intuition is that one method declaration is more specific than another if any invocation handled by the first method could be passed on to the other one without a compile-time type error.

    To see how this makes sense, let's take a look at the following code. We have:
    public void doSomeJob(String s)
    public void doSomeJob(Object o)
    Both methods are overloaded (same name but different parameter types). Now, suppose we have the following invocation expression:
    Both methods are applicable since "Test" is a String but also an Object (since a String is an Object). Always come to think of the most specific method as the one having its parameter types matching the best the argument types of the invocation. So, the first method is more specific than the second one because its parameter (String) can be converted to the second's parameter (Object) by method invocation conversion (see JLS 5.3).

    As we have seen above, we may end up with several methods being accessible and applicable. The final goal of this step is to find the maximally specific method. Put simply, a method is maximally specific if it is applicable and accessible and there is no other applicable and accessible method that is more specific.
    Now, as the flowchart below will show, it is possible to reach different verdicts:

    • Case 1: if only one method is maximally specific then it is the most specific and the process goes on.
    • Case 2: if there are more than one maximally specific methods and they don't have the same signature then we have an invocation ambiguity and a compile error is thrown.
      Suppose we have the following overloaded method declarations:
      public void doSomeJob(String s, Object o)
      public void doSomeJob(Object o, String s)
      and the following method invocation:
      then this invocation is ambiguous because neither of the declaration is more specific than the other and thus a compile-time error occurs. We have to add the following more specific method declaration to get rid of the compilation error:
      public void doSomeJob(String s1, String s2)
    • Case 3: if there are more than one maximally specific methods, they all have the same signature and one of them is not declared abstract, then it is the most specific method and the process goes on.
    • Case 4: if there are more than one maximally specific methods, they all have the same signature and all of them are abstract, one is chosen arbitrarly and the process goes on.

    Another important consideration is that the return type of the method is not taken into account when resolving method declarations. The following example illustrates the problem:
    1. class Point { int x, y; }
    2. class ColoredPoint extends Point { int color; }
    3. class Test {
    4. static int test(ColoredPoint p) {
    5. return p.color;
    6. }
    7. static String test(Point p) {
    8. return "Point";
    9. }
    10. public static void main(String[] args) {
    11. ColoredPoint cp = new ColoredPoint();
    12. String s = test(cp); //compile-time error
    13. }
    14. }

    The invocation expression on line 12 will cause a compile-time error. The method on line 4 is the most specific (since it takes a ColoredPoint argument) but the problem is that the return type, int, is not assignment compatible with a String. The method on line 7 is also applicable but less specific than the method on line 4. Moreover, by choosing the method on line 7 the compilation would succeed because of the return type, String.
    Trick : However, you could make this code compilable by changing line 12 to:
    String s = ""+test(cp);
    This way the returned int will be transformed to a String object.

    Step 3. Compile-Time Step 3: Is The Chosen Method Appropriate?

    If we managed to get to this step, it means that we have found THE most specific method matching the invocation expression and we call it the compile-time declaration for the method invocation. Now what? Remember the invocation patterns we saw at step 1? We now have to check if the chosen method can be used in the given context, that is, at the place where the invocation occurs. As an example, you certainly already know that you cannot invoke an instance method from within the body of a static method. We have to make sure that such things don't happen. This is what this step is for.

    If the invocation pattern is:

    • Identifier and the method is an instance method, then:
      • if the invocation appears within a static context (see JLS 8.1.2), then a compile-time error occurs. (because this is not available in static contexts).
      • if the invocation is not in the same class containing the declaration of the method or in an inner class of it, then a compile-time error occurs.
    • TypeName . Identifier, then the method (named Identifier) must be declared static otherwise a compile-time error occurs. The reason is because an instance method must be invoked on an object and not on a class. (while a static method can be invoked both on a class or on an instance as we will see later.)
    • super . Identifier, then a compile-time error occurs if either the method Identifier is abstract or if the invocation occurs in a static context. (in a static context we don't have a this to refer to the current instance nor a super to refer to the superclass instance.)
    • ClassName . super . Identifier, then a compile-time error occurs if either the method Identifier is abstract or the invocation occurs within a static context (for the same reason than previous point) or the invocation is not directly enclosed by ClassName or an inner class of ClassName.

    Moreover, if the return type of the compile-time declaration is void then the method cannot be used where a value is expected. For instance, suppose we have the following expression:
    String s = doSomething();
    and doSomething's return type is void then a compile-time error occurs.
    More generally, a method whose return type is void can only be used as an expression statement, that is, alone on a line, or in the initialization or update part of a for statement (see JLS 14.13).

    Finally, if the chosen method passes all tests successfully, the compilation will succeeds and we can proceed to runtime checks. The bytecode of the method invocation now contains the following information that can be used at runtime by the Java bytecode interpreter:

    • the name of the method, that is, Identifier;
    • the qualifying type of the method (see JLS 13.1) (basically where the method declaration is to be found);
    • the number of parameters as well as the types of the parameters, in order;
    • the result type or void (note that void IS NOT a primitive type in Java, see this discussion at JavaRanch);
    • the invocation mode , that is:
      • static: if the method declaration contains the static modifier;
      • non-virtual: if the method is declared private;
      • super: if the invocation pattern is super . Identifier or ClassName . super . Identifier;
      • interface: if the method is declared in a interface;
      • virtual for any other cases.

      These invocation modes can be seen as some sort of hints the compiler creates in order to let the interpreter know what kind of method it is dealing with and where the method lookup should begin.

    Step 4. Runtime Step 1: Compute Target Reference (If Necessary)

    A target reference is a reference to an instance of a class (an object) on which the method will be invoked. No target references are needed for static methods, that is, methods whose invocation mode is static.
    The target reference is computed differently depending on the invocation pattern.
    If the invocation expression is:

    • Identifier, then:
      • if the invocation mode is static, there is no need for a target reference. That means that if a static method is invoked upon a null reference, no NullPointerException will be thrown.
      • otherwise the target reference is the class/interface which contains the method declaration.
    • TypeName . Identifier, then there is no target reference (Remember that this invocation expression is only used for static methods).
    • FieldName . Identifier, then:
      • if the invocation mode is static, there is no target reference.
      • otherwise the target reference is the value of the expression FieldName.
    • Primary . Identifier, then:
      • if the invocation mode is static, there is no target reference. The expression Primary is evaluated but the result is discarded anyway.
      • otherwise the target reference is the value of the evaluation of Primary (The result must be a reference to an object, see line 24 of the first code excerpt at the top of this article).

      If the evaluation of Primary fails for one reason or another, then the invocation fails for the same reason. Note also that the argument expressions haven't been evaluated yet.
    • super . Identifier, then the target reference is the value of this.
    • ClassName . super . Identifier, then the target reference is the value of ClassName . this

    Step 5. Runtime Step 2: Evaluate Arguments

    This step's job is to evaluate the argument expression from left to right. If any argument expression evaluation fails, then no argument expression on its right will be evaluated and the method invocation expression fails for the same reason.

    Step 6. Runtime Step 3: Check Accessibility of Type and Method

    We now have to determine if the type of the target reference and the method to invoke are accessible. Three different entities are involved here:

    • the method m to invoke;
    • the class C containing the invocation;
    • the class/interface T in which m is declared.

    Any Java programming language implementation must check during linkage that:

    • m exists in class/interface T, otherwise a NoSuchMethodError is thrown.
    • if the invocation mode is interface, then the target reference type must implement the specified interface otherwise an IncompatibleClassChangeError occurs.

    Accessibility is the next issue. Since the invocation of method m (declared in class/interface T) occurs in class C, the compiler has to make sure that:

    1. T is accessible from C, and then that
    2. m (in T) is also accessible from C.
    In clear, this means that the class containing the method invocation must be able to access the class or interface containing the declaration of the method. If this access is granted, then the class containing the method invocation must also be able to access the method itself. Read carefully the latter two sentences again and you'll see that they make sense.

    Class/interface T is accessible from class C if:
    • T and C are in the same package.
      (Two classes in the same package are always accessible to one another.)
    • T and C are in a different package and T is public.
      (If two classes are unrelated and belong to different packages, they are only accessible to each other if they are declared public.)
    • T and C are in a different package, T is protected and T is a superclass of C.
      (A protected class/interface is available outside a package only to a subclass/subinterface.)

    Finally, method m (in T) is accessible from class C if either one of the following is true:

    • m is public.
    • m is protected, and either one of the following is true:
      • C and T are in the same package.
        (protected methods are available throughout a package.)
      • C and T are the same class.
        (protected methods are available throughout a class.)
      • C is a subclass of T.
        (protected methods are available to the defining class and to all subclasses as well.)
    • m has default access (no modifier) and C and T are in the same package.
      (methods with default accessibility are accessible throughout a package.)
    • m is private and either one of the following is true:
      • C and T are the same class.
        (private methods are available throughout a class.)
      • C encloses T or T encloses C, that is, one is an inner class of the other.
        (private methods are available to inner class.)
      • C and T are both enclosed by a third class.
        (private methods are available to inner class.)

    If this paragraph seems overly complex to you, rest assured that it wasn't out original intent. The content is very logical. Just read it once or twice before going on. Think of these accessibility issues as a sort of labyrinth where not only one but several paths lead to the exit and some don't. Everything depends on the accessibility modifiers. The next picture will help you find your way through the labyrinth.

    If either of the accessibility checks fails, then an IllegalAccessError occurs.

    Step 7. Runtime Step 4: Locate Method to Invoke

    We now have to locate the method to invoke. The invocation mode (step 3) provides us with that information. After this step we end up with a precise method to invoke. Don't worry if you feel lost after reading this paragraph, the meaning is not very easy to grasp and, moreover, this is the most important but also the most difficult step of the whole method invocation process. Read this section twice or thrice if you feel the need to do so.
    Remember that we have 5 different invocation modes: static, nonvirtual, interface, super and virtual.

    (static modifier)
    We don't need any target reference (on which to invoke the method), overriding is NOT allowed and method m of class T is the one to be invoked. The method lookup ends here.
    Note : Every subsequent invocation mode handles an instance method invocation, we therefore need the target reference on which the method will be invoked. If this reference is null then a NullPointerException is thrown. Otherwise, the target reference (see step 4) refers to the target object which will be used as this in the method body.
    (private modifier)
    Overriding is NOT allowed and method m of class T is the one to be invoked. The method lookup ends here.

    For the three remaining invocation modes, overriding may occur. That's why we need a dynamic method lookup process. The process starts looking for the method in class S (and then if needed in the superclasses of S), where S is the runtime class of the object on which the method is invoked. Moreover,

    • if the invocation mode is interface, then S necessarly implements interface T.
    • if the invocation mode is virtual, then S is T or a subclass of T.
    • if the invocation mode is super, then S is the class/interface in which the method is declared.

    The method lookup for interface, virtual and super invocation mode is as follows:
    If S contains a non-abstract declaration of a method named m having the same descriptor, that is, same number of parameters, same parameter type AND same return type, then:

    • if the invocation mode is interface or super, then m is the method to be invoked. The method lookup ends here.
    • if the invocation mode is virtual and the method declaration in S overrides the one in the compile-time type of the target reference of the method invocation, then m is the method to be invoked. The method lookup ends here.
    Otherwise, if S has a superclass, then this lookup is performed recursively on the direct superclass of S. The result of this recursion will be the method to be invoked.

    This lookup always succeeds provided that the compilation of the classes has been done in a consistent way or various errors may occur.

    Step 8. Runtime Step 5: Create Frame, Synchronize, Transfer Control

    This step just handles administration stuff, like creating a new activation frame, synchronizing data access if needed and transferring control to the method body.
    We won't go into very much details here. If you want to know exactly what an activation frame is, or what synchonization means, please refer to the given hyperlinks.

    At the end of the previous step, we ended up with the actual method to invoke. The only thing that remains to be done is to execute it. To do so, we create a new activation frame containing:
    • the target reference this (only for non-static methods) referring to the actual object on which the method is invoked;
    • the argument values (values passed between the paranthesis) if any;
    • enough space for local variables;
    • any other bookkeeping information (stack pointer, program counter, reference to previous activation frame, and the like);
    At this point, if not enough memory is available to create the frame, then a OutOfMemoryError occurs.
    This new activation frame becomes the new current activation frame and the argument values are assigned to the newly created parameter variables (available within the method's body). Just think of the activation frame as a context for the method execution that contains everything that the method may need to execute properly.
    If the method is declared native and the binary code for the method has not been loaded, then an UnsatisfiedLinkError occurs.
    Finally, if the method is not synchronized, that is, its declaration does not contain the synchronized keyword, the control is transferred to the method's body. Otherwise, we have to lock an object before transferring the control to the method's body.
    If the method is:
    • static, then the Class object of the class containing the method is locked;
    • non-static (an instance method), then the target reference (the object itself) is locked.
    Just after the locking has occurred, the control is transferred to the method's body for further processing. The previously locked object is unlocked upon completion, whether normally or abruptly (in the case of exceptions or errors).

    Written by Valentin Crettaz.

    Movin' them doggies on the Cattle Drive

    It's where you come to learn Java, and just like the cattle drivers of the old west, you're expected to pull your weight along the way.

    The Cattle Drive forum is where the drivers get together to complain, uh rather, discuss their assignments and encourage each other. Thanks to the enthusiastic initiative of Johannes de Jong, you can keep track of your progress on the drive with the Assignment Log. If you're tough enough to get through the nitpicking, you'll see your name on the Graduation Log.

    And a shiny spur goes to...
    To start the New Year off right, a big “yee-haw!” goes out to Rajan Chhibber and Michael Pearson for keeping their heads high and plowing their way through the assignments. Rajan completed the Java Fundamentals course, and is moving on to OOP. Michael finished OOP and jumped right back in the saddle to start Servlets. Great job y’all!

    Back from being out on the range...
    Michael Pearson and Michael Matola rejoined us after several weeks away from the punishment of the Cattle Drive. Welcome back, y’all!

    Saddle sore...
    Keep an eye out for these Cattle Drivers, who are hard at work on the last assignment of a series, so are expected to celebrate a graduation soon: Rajan Chhibber, Terrence Doyle, Christie Xu, Daniel Olsen and Jason Adam. Hang in there, y'all, those saddle sores will soon seem worth it!

    Nitpicking is hard work too...
    Let’s not all forget to tip our hats to the nitpicker that gives us more heartburn than a bowl of cooky’s chili, Marilyn deQueiroz. If it weren’t for her, them cows would be roaming wild!

    Tips for the Trail…...
    Ever wonder why those oh so simple assignments end up with so many nits to pick? Here’s a little advice gathered from some weary cattle drivers hanging out at the watering hole. For the first assignment, called Java-1a Hundred, some words from the wise and weathered: (really) read the style guide and then check for those pesky spacing and indentation nits!

    Written by Jason Adam and Pauline McNamara

    Book Review of the Month

    Java Rules
    by Douglas Dunn

    I liked this book a lot yet was uncertain how to evaluate it. A book should be judged according to the law of its genre and I had difficulty in defining what the genre is. Finally I found the word: "commentary". Commentary on Java "legal code" - a set of specifications - JLS, JVM, Inner Classes, Unicode standard, selected parts from Java API, even JavaSoft tutorial on the Collection framework, with detailed explanations.

    Two first chapters, "Lexical Structure" and "Compilation Units" reflect on corresponding sections of the JLS. Inner classes, static, super, and this keyword (chapter 3) are covered to a depth I've not seen before. The chapters on data (4-5) include not only primitives and String/StringBuffer, but also BigInteger, BigDecimal, Date, Calendar, NumberFormat classes which makes the whole approach fundamental and encyclopedic. The last sixth chapter covers the Collections framework. Here the discussion becomes especially pedantic and it could have been quite a boring reading if the author did not reveal principles that underlie the framework's design. Those insights seem turn magically the framework's apparent anarchy into order, my boredom into epiphany, and author's pedantry into blessing.

    Overall impression: the topics chosen are covered both deeply and fully. Explanations are always clear and complete, nothing is left for the reader to guess.

    The fact that the book is about Java basics should not mislead you: beginners are not the target audience. You need a firm grasp of the language to appreciate the discussion. (Mapraputa Is - Bartender, January 2002)
    More info at || More info at || More info at

    Chosen by Cindy Glass and Madhav Lakkapragada

    February Giveaways

    Starting Date Book Author(s) Publisher JavaRanch Forum
    Feb 5
    Professional Java EAI
    Matjaz Juric Wrox Press J2EE and EJB
    Feb 12
    Early Adopter JXTA
    Sing Li Wrox Press Distributed Java
    Feb 19
    Agile Software Development
    Alistair Cockburn Addison-Wesley Process: UP, RUP, DRUP, XP, etc.
    Feb 26
    Mobile Information Device Profile for Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME): Professional Developer's Guide
    Eric Giguere Wiley Publishing Java 2 Micro Edition

    For more information on JavaRanch's Giveaways see Book Promotion Page.

    February News

    JavaRanch has added a new forum to better assist people in their hunt for information.
  • General Computing - Operating systems, applications, hardware, drivers, features, etc. General computer use stuff..

    January was a month of planning. Th new BunkHouse is in the process of moving from the planning stages to development. Discussions are on going to add a JSP Section to the Cattle Drive. Upgrades of background process to fully use the New UBB were completed.

    As always JavaRanch is dedicated to providing you with the best source of information on Java Programming and Engineering.

  • Managing Editor: Carl Trusiak

    Comments or suggestions for JavaRanch's NewsLetter can be sent to the NewsLetter Staff
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