JavaRanch Hired Guns
The JavaRanch Hired Guns tries to put a human face on recruiting. The focus here is more
on the individual recruiter than on the recruiting firm. To the engineers, it appears
more personalized. Plus, the system acknowleges the fact that recruiters change jobs a
lot too. We have designed this so you can have your own personal account. If you change firms,
you can log in here and change your account to reflect your new information.
Who should list?
- Recruiters
- Hiring Managers
- Employees that want to score a referral bonus
The Hired Guns page is the primary source of income for JavaRanch. That's
right, we're gonna hit you up for money to get listed. We use this money
to cover server expenses, software licensing, marketing, etc. If we get
enough, we hope to provide some gifts for the dozens of volunteers that
keep this site going.
At this time, a six month listing is a hundred
bucks. Until we get our credit card stuff going (February 2001?), we're going
to give the first week for free. This gives some time for a check to
arrive from you and be processed into our system.
Please fill out the following form. You'll be able to change any of this information
at a later time. After you have completed this page:
You'll be able to select up to three cities to be listed under.
You'll be informed of other listing options.
You'll be given instructions on where to send your check.
If you have any other questions, please send e-mail to hiredguns@javaranch.com.
Want to recommend another city or state? Any other questions or comments? Please drop us a note at hiredguns@javaranch.com.