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Test Driven: TDD and Acceptance TDD for Java Developers
Lasse Koskela
Manning Publications
1 edition
October 2007
470 pages
Reviewed by Jeanne Boyarsky, January 2008
(10 of 10)
"Test Driven" is geared toward Java developers interested in writing better JUnit tests. Despite the title, it is useful whether you want to write test first or test last.
The first part of the book covers the softer aspects of testing such as how to decide what tests to write first and spikes. The rest of the book covers writing tests for common Java components including servlets, data access code and Swing. Examples were for things that we frequently want to test. They included "hard" things such as testing times and threaded code.
I particularly liked the sections on design and testing patterns. There was good coverage of different JUnit extension libraries with examples including dbunit, jmock, easymock, jemmy and abbot. There was also a full chapter on FIT.
I got a sense of "in the trenches" realism from the book. Tradeoffs of techniques were clearing mentioned. The chapter on adopting TDD shows the experience of someone who has done it many times. The section on how to fight resistance really spoke to me.
This is the first book I have read using JUnit 4, which was useful for reading well written tests. While there is an appendix "tutorial" on JUnit 3.8 and 4.0 (two page annotated classes), you really should feel comfortable with one version of JUnit before reading this book. While a few sections pertained to specific technologies, such as Spring, the concepts apply to everyone. I highly recommend this book.
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