I am very grateful to www.javaranch.com. Thanks to this page I spotted lots of weak points when preparing the Programmers exam. It is also helping me now preparing for the Web Component Developer's Exam(the mock exam and the guys' notes:Ken,Miftah...,thanks to all), but there are not many tests to practise so I decided that maybe I could help in this area by creating my own test.You will tell me whether It helps or not. Thanks.
Note:the questions can't be those from the real exam as I am doing this while I am preparing for the exam(It will be 9th Nov 2001).
Also sorry for the english.It is my second laguage.
Last Update: 9 November 2001
Created by Eduardo Cobian (educobian@terra.es). This is my mock Exam based on the Objectives for the Sun Web Component Developer´s exam (more or less :-).
I have tried to explain those topics that are more difficult to grasp (as far as my knowledge gets).
I haven't taken the exam yet, but this test should be more difficult than the real one.It is intended to spot weak areas so you know where you have to make more study. I have chosen those kind of questions that have given me a lot of trouble. So don't get upset if you don´t score high. If you find this test usefull please let me know. If you have critics also let me know.
Last minute update: Today I have passed the exam with 94% score(same as the programmers exam).2 or 3 questions are almost equal to the exam but I assure that all the questions have been done before taking the exam. My experience: Core Servlets and JSP (not updated but not bad). The notes on javarach.com but then I study very carefully the specifications.I have also read Advanced JavaServer Pages (only 90 total on jsp the rest is almos magic: front controller, session facade,how to create components,container and flowlayout of awt with jsp,... and a deep ,though not updated , explanation on custom tags ).I studied 3 weeks for the programmers and another 3 weeks for this test (12 hours a day). This test for me has been more or less as difficult as the programmers, only that I got 4 questions on patters I answer 3 of the just with Ken's note but the forth one was about Front controller that I could answer thanks to advanced javaserver pages.
Given the following to JSP files select the right answers.
<!-- file container.jsp -->
<html><body> <%@ include file=included.jsp %> <%@ page errorPage=OneErrorPage.jsp %> </body></htm> ////////// different file <!-- file included.jsp --> <html><body> <%@ page errorPage=AnotherErrorPage.jsp %> <i>Hello</i> </body></html> 1) File container.jsp will compile if the directive page comes before the directive include 2) File container will compile and when executed it will show:Hello. 3) File container.jsp will compile if the errorPage in container.jsp is the same as in file included.jsp. 4) File container.jsp will compile if instead of directive include (<%@ include ...%>) it is used the action include (<jsp:include...>)
What are correct statements about creating scripting variables for a Tag::
1) It is necessary to implement TagExtraInfo interface. 2) You have to insert into the tag element of the taglib descriptor file an entry for tei-class element. 3) The interface you have to implement has a method called getVariableInfo. 4) None of the previous.
Which of the following staments are correct about the following jsp lines:
<jps:useBean id=name class=java.lang.String />
<%= name %>
1) It won't compile. 2) It is a valid jsp line and it will print the variable called name. 3) It will compile but it will always produce null as the output. 4) It will work if you create a javabean class with only one variable of type java.lang.String.
Given the following jsp line select the correct statements: <% public void jspInit() { ...java code...} %> 1) It is a valid line that can be used to initialize the servlet that implements the jsp file. 2) It won't compile as no identifer can start with jsp not _jsp. 3) It will serve as the servlet initialization if the function's name is _jspInit. 4) There is no way to initialize a jsp's implementation class servlet.
What will be printed out if this jsp code?
<%! java.util.Locale class1=request.getLocale(); %>
<%= class %>
1) It won't compile. 2) It will print the default client's Web browser locale. 3) It will print the default web server Locale. 4) It will the first language specified in the Accept-Language request's header.
What will be printed out if this jsp code?
<% java.util.Locale class =request.getLocale() %>
<%= s %>
1) It won't compile. 2) It will print the default client's Web browser locale. 3) It will print the default web server Locale. 4) It won't print the default Locale but the first language specified in the Accept-Language request's header.
What is the return type of the getLastModified method of HttpServlet?
1) java.util.Date
3) int.
4) long
to Question 7
Which of the following are mandatory elements of the tagLibrary descriptor file? 1) tlib-version 2) jsp-version 3) short-name 4) tag
What will be the result of running the following jsp file taking into account that the Web server has just been started and this is the first page loaded by the server?
<%= request.getSession(false).getId() %>
1)It won't compile
2)It will print the session id.
3)It will produce a NullPointerException as the getSession(false) method's call returns null, cause no session had been created.
4)It will produce an empty page.
What statements are correct about the method
PageContext.findAttribute(String name)?
1) There is no such method. 2) It searches the attribute in all 4 scopes. 3) It searches the attribute in page scope. 4) The method is findAttribute(String name, int scope)
What are the methods of HttpSessionAttributeEvent?
1) There is no such event 2) getSession() 3) getName() 4) getValue()
Which are mandatory elements of the web-resouce-collection element?
1) web-resource-name 2) url-pattern 3) http-method 4) auth-constraint
Inside the body ( <elemnent>body</element>) of which elements can you use the element jsp:param?
1) <jsp:include ...> 2) <jsp:forward ...> 3) <jsp:params > 4) <servlet-params...>
What are the types returned by the ServletContext method getResource and getResourceAsStream?
1) ServletContext doesn't have one of these two methods. 2) String and InputStream 3) URL and InputStream 4) URL and StreamReader
Which of the following statements regarding HttpRequest methods are correct?
1) getHeaderNames returns an Enumeration 2) getHeaders returns a String[] 3) getHeaderValues returns a String[] 4) getIntParameter returns an int
Which of the following is the formal parameter's type that the HttpRequest.setDateHeader( ? ) method accepts?
1) java.util.Date 2) java.sql.Date 3) int 4) none of the above
Which statements are correct about the method PageContext.include?
1) There is no such method. 2) It has two paramters: request and response 3) It has one parameter of type String which is the relative URL of the page to include. 4) This method is appropiate to use within a Tag class.
Which of the following statements PageConext methods pushBody and popBody are true?
1) pushBody is called by the jsp container after doStartTag and
before doAfterBdy
2) pushBody is called by the jsp container
before doInitBody
3) popBody is called by the jsp container after
doAfterBody and before doEndTag
4) popBody is called by the jsp
container after doEndTag
Is it true that all tags have a parent tag,which is null for top-level tags, and is the innermost containing tag for nested tags.
1) yes 2) no 3) only the second part of the statement is true.
What statements are correct about the method
1) It is a method used by the jsp container and the jsp programmer shouldn't override it 2) It can be overriden if needed. 3) It can return either SKIP_BODY or EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE. 4) Its return type is void.
Is correct the following program tag handler program? public class MyTagHandler extends TagSupport { public int doStartTag() throws JspException { setValue(name, value); return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } } 1) yes 2) no
1)In which cases is correct(and mandatory) to specify the extension .class? 1) findAncestorWithClass(this, MyTagHandler.class ) 2) <jsp:useBean id=myBean class=MyBean.class /> 3) <jsp:plugin type=applet code=MyApplet.class ...> 4) <tag-class>/tags/MyTagHandler.class</tag-class>
Which of the following jsp action allow to specify the value
of the attribute as an expresion(so it is evaluated at runtime)?
1) Attribute value of <jsp:setProperty name=name value=<%= expression %> 2) Attribute page of <jsp:include page=<%= expresion %> 3) Attribute value of <jsp:paran name=name value=<%= expression %> 4) Attribute name of <jsp:getProperty name=<% expression %>
Given a tag handler defined with <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent> which implements TagSupport and ONLY overrides doAfterBody with the following lines: public int doAfterBody() throws JspException { try { pageContext.getOut().print( how are you? );}catch(IOException e) {} return SKIP_BODY; } What will be the result of a jsp with the following part? <prefix:sufix> <i>Hello</i> </prefix:sufix> 1) The jsp page will print: Hello 2) The jsp page will print: Hello how are you? 3) The jsp page will print: how are you? Hello 4) The jsp won't print anything.
Given the following tag handler defined with <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent> public class body extends TagSupport { public int doStartTag() throws JspException{ return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } public int doAfterBody() throws JspException { try { pageContext.getOut().print("how are you?"); }catch(IOException e) {} return SKIP_BODY; } } what will be printed out by the following part of a jsp page? <prefix:sufix> <i>Hello</i> </prefix:sufix> 1) The tag handler won't compile. 2) The jsp page will print Hello how are you? 3) The jsp page will print how are you? Hello 4) The jsp page will print Hello
Given the following tag handler defined with <bodycontent>JSP</bodycontent> public class body extends BodyTagSupport { public int doAfterBody() throws JspException { try { pageContext.getOut().print("how are you?"); }catch(IOException e) {} return SKIP_BODY; } } what will be printed out by the following part of a jsp page? <prefix:sufix> <i>Hello</i> </prefix:sufix> 1) The tag handler won't compile. 2) The jsp page will print Hello how are you? 3) The jsp page will print how are you? Hello 4) The jsp page will print Hello
1What will be the result of the following jsp action? <jsp:setProperty name=myBean property=factor parameter=inputFactor /> 1) The program won't compile 2) The servlet container will call myBean.setFactor() method with the content of the parameter inputFactor 3) The servlet container will call myBean.setInputFactor method with the content of the factor input 4) It will only work if the form parameter inputFactor is not empty when the form is submitted.
1)Given the following web application deployment descriptor: <web-app> <servlet> <servlet-name>myServlet</servlet-name> <servlet-class>MyServlet</servlet-class> ... </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>myServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> which statements are true? 1) servlet-mapping element should be inside servlet element 2) url-pattern can't be defined that way. 3) if you make the http call: http://host/Hello.jsp the servlet container will execute MyServlet. 4) It would work with any extension excepting jsp,html,htm
Which statements are correct regarding the following jsp lines that use a tag library?
<%! Vectot vector =new java.util.Vector();%> <% vector.addElement(one); vector.addElement(two); %> <prefix:suffix attr='vector' /> 1) A vector can't be assigned to a tag handler attribute 2) The program will compile and assign the vector's content to the attribute attr. 3) The program will assign the content of vector if assigment is: attr='<%= vector %>' 4) Microsoft is the worst software company in history.
Which statements are true regardin the use of action jsp:useBean? 1) you can't specify both class and beanName attributes 2) you can specify both type and class attributes 3) you can specify both type and beanName attritbutes 4) type attribute is used to specify a superclass of the javabean Answer to Question 30
Which statements are correct about the way a servlet can acces its initialization parameters? 1) By simply calling getInitParameter from any of the servlets methods (for example doGet) 2) It must be done by calling getServletConfig().getInitParaemter 3) It can only be done by overriding the method init(ServletConfig config) 4) It can be done by calling getServletContext().getInitParameter method
Which element should be used to give a canonical name to a jsp file( type the answer)?
1)Which element should be used to give a canonical name to a jsp file( type the answer)? <servlet> <servlet-name>aName</servlet-name> < ??? >jspFile.jsp</ ???> (In case the question is not clear:what do you put instead of ??? )
Which are methods of the HttpSessionActivationListener interface?
Which statements are correct about listeners? 1) When shutting down the application they are called in order inversed of their appearance in the deployment descriptor. 2) They are registered in the deployment descriptor by the elements <listener> <session-listener> 3) A listener class can implement several listener interfaces 4) Jsp 1.2 introduced the tag handler listener.
Which statements are correct about exceptions in servlets? 1) If there is defined an error page for an exception and a servlet included through a RequestDispathcer generates an exception, the standar mechanism of calling that error page is not used, so the calling servlet can process the excpetion. 2) The element in the DD used to specify where the error page can be found is: <url-pattern> 3) If a servlet generates an exception not defined in a error page then the servlet container sets the response status 500 4) If a servlet generates a ServletException or subclass and no match is found in the error pages defined in the DD then, the servlet container tries again to find a match with the wrapped exception which is obtained by calling ServletException.getRootCause().
Which statements are true about the method log? 1) log is a method GenericServlet class 2) log is a method of ServletContext interface 3) log is an overloaded method 4) There is a log method with the signature log(String, Exception)
Which of the following statements about timeouts are correct? 1) In session-config element the timeout is specified in minutes 2) In cookies the maxAge is specified in seconds and a value of zero means cookie deletion 3) In sessions the maxInactiveInterval is specified with a long and a zero means a session with no timeout 4) If no session-config is specified and no maxInactiveInterval is spcecified the servlet container sets the default timeout.
Which of the following are methods of the Cookie Class?
1) setComment 2) getVersion 3) setMaxAge 4) getSecure
You are calling the method HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect(String path) and you want to make sure that the user continues in the same session. How do you that? 1) By calling the method with an absolute path as the argument 2) By enconding the path with HttpServletResponse.endcodeURL method 3) By enconding the path with HttpServletResponse.endcodeRedirectURL method 4) If you use sendRedirect the session is lost.
Which statements are true about the auth-constraint element?
1) It only contains the element role-name (besides element description) 2) Only the role-name specified in security-role-ref can be used 3) It is a subelement of web-resource-collection 4) It is related to authentication
Given the following declaration <security-role-ref> <role-link>linkedRole</role-link> <role-name>roleName</role-name> </security-role-ref> Which method call is correct? 1) isUserInRole(linkedRole) 2) isUserInRole(roleName)
Which statements are correct about servlets implementing the SingleThreadedModel interfaces 1) Only one thread at a time will acces the service method 2) The servlet container may decide to create a pool of the servlet instances 3) The member variables are thread safe 4) none of the above
Which jsp lines are correct? 1) <%! String myString=Hello %> 2) <% String myString=request.getServerName() %> 3) <%= out.print(Hello) %> 4) <%= Hello %>
Which statements are correct? 1) HttpServlet.init() throws ServletException 2) HttpServlet.service() thrwos ServletException and IOException 3) HttpServlet.destroy() throws ServletException 4) HttpServlet.doHead() throws ServletException
Which statements are true about distributable web applications 1) There will be one instance of ServletContext in each VM 2) There will be only one instance of the default ServletContext in only one VM(the default ServletContext is one created for all servlets not deployed as part of an application are assigned) 3) All request that are part of a session must be handled by one VM at a time 4) Container must notify any session attributes implementing the HttpSessionActivationListener interface during migration of a session from one VM to another
Which statements are correct? 1) Only ServletContext interface has method getRealPath 2) Answer 1 is incorrect because also HttpServletRequest has getRealPath method 3) Method getRealPath throws an IllegalArgumentException if it can't convert the argument to a local filesystem path 4) Method getPathInfo never returns null
Which statements are correct about character enconding methods? (Very difficult question for me) 1) ServletRequest has setCharacterEncoding method 2) ServletRequest has getCharacterEncoding method 3) ServletResponse has getCharacterEncoding method 4) ServletResponse has setCharacterEncoding method
Which statements are correct about the HttpServletResponse's buffer 1) You can specify its size with the method setBufferSize with either a number ending with kb or the word none 2) If you use setBufferSize method after any content has been written the buffer won't be changed 3) reset will clear uncommited data including headers and status line 4) resetBuffer won't clear headers nor status line
Which statements are correct about object implementing HttpSessionBindingListener interface? 1) valueBound method will be called before the object is accessible through getAttribute method 2) valueBound method will be called after the object is accessible through getAttribute method 3) valueUnbound method will be called before the object is removed from the session 4) valueUnbound method will be called after the object is removed from the session Answer to Question 49
Which statements are correct about security? 1) The security model doesn't apply when a servlet uses a RequestDispathcer to include or forward a resource 2) The security model doesn't apply when a servlet uses a RequestDispathcer to include a resource but it applies when it uses forward 3) The security model applies when a servlet uses a RequestDispathcer to include or forward a resource 4) The security model doesn't apply when a servlet uses a RequestDispathcer to include or include a static resource
Which statements are true about the Web Application DD 1) There can't be leading nor trailing spaces for PCDATA whithin text nodes 2) The servlet container must ensure that role-names in auth-constraint are defined in security-role elemen 3) URI paths specified are assumed to be URL decoded form 4) None of the above
Which are mandatory sub-elements of the web-app elements? 1) servlet element 2) login-config element 3) display-name element 4) There are no mandatory elements.
Which statements are true about security-role-ref element 1) It is a sub-elements of web-app 2) It is a sub-elements of servlet 3) It is a sub-elements of security-role 4) It is a sub-element of auth-constraint
Which statements are correct about load-on-startup elements 1) It must be an integer 2) It can be negative 3) If it is 0 (zero) it will be loaded at deployment time 4) Serveral servlets can have the same value for this element
Which are mandatory sub-elements of login-config element 1) auth-method 2) realm-name 3) form-login-config 4) login-config doesn't have mandatory sub-elements
How is it specified that an application is distributable
1) By specifying in the DD: <distributable>yes</distributable 2) By specifying in the DD: <distributable></distributable> 3) It is servlet container specific 4) An application can't be distributable
What will be the result of this jsp line if the user takes a look at the page source code? <!-- Today is <%= new java.util.Date() %>.Hava a nice day --> 1) It won't compile 2) The user won't see the comment 3) The user will see the same jsp line as above 4) The user will see the comment with the current date because the expression is evaluated at runtime.
Which statements are true about scope in jsp pages? 1) Objects with page scope are stored in the implicit object PageConttext 2) If a page forwards to another page, objects created with request scope in the source page will be visible in request of the forwarded page 3) Objects with application scope can be created in pages that are not session-aware(with page attribute session=false) 4) The implicit page object has pageContext scope
Which of the following are attributes of the page directive? 1) info 2) buffersize 3) pageEnconding 4) import
Attribute flush of jsp include action is a mandatory attribute 1) yes 2) no 3) Only the first time a jsp include action appears in a page
4) File container.jsp will compile if instead of directive include (<%@ include ...%>) it is used the action include (<jsp:include ...>)
With directive include (<%@ include file=fileName
%>) the file is literaly included before compilation.In this case
we have then, two lines with directive page both with attribute
errorPage.That's an error. Then only attribute of directive page that
can occur more than once is import.
1)It is necessary to implement TagExtraInfo interface. 2)You have to insert into the tag element of the taglib descriptor file an entry for tei-class element. 3)The interface you have to implement (TagExtraInfo) has a method called getVariableInfo.
2) It is a valid jsp line and it will print the variable
called name.
It will work.To have valid functionality you have to set an attribute of String type in the proper scope before it is accessed by <jsp:useBean ...>
1) It is a valid line that can be used to initialize the servlet that implements the jsp file.
1)It won't compile.
The eight implicit objects in jsp pages are not visible in declarations.They are visible in scriplets and expressions.
Back to question 6)
1) It
won't compile.
You can define a variable with a reserved word.
4) long
1) tlib-version 2) jsp-version 3) short-name 4) tag
2)It will print the session id.
By default jsp pages are part of a session.That's why you have the implicit object session.You can turn off this default behaviour with the following line
<%@ page session=false %>.
2) It searches the attribute in page,request,session,application scope in that order.
1)There is no such event.
There is the HttpSessionBindingEvent event.
2) url-pattern
Back to Question 13) 1)<jsp:include ...> 2) <jsp:forward ...> 3) <jsp:params >
3) URL and InputStream
1) getHeaderNames returns an Enumeration
none of the above.
It's long.
3) It has one parameter of type String which is the relative URL of the page to include. 4) This method is appropiate to use it within a Tag class.
1)pushBody is called by the jsp
container after doStartTag and before doAfterBdy
3) popBody is
called by the jsp container after doAfterBody and before doEndTag
1) yes
2) It can be overriden. 4) Its return type is void.
Back to Question 21)
TagSupport has setValue(String,Object) and getValue(String) method to store information.
Back to
Question 22)
1) findAncestorWithClass(this, MyTagHandler.class ) 3) <jsp:plugin type=applet code=MyApplet.class ...>
Back to Question 23) 1) Attribute value of <jsp:setProperty name=name value=<%= expression %> 2) Attribute page of <jsp:include page=<%= expresion %> 3) Attribute value of <jsp:paran name=name value=<%= expression %> Also attribute page of <jsp:forward ..>. I think that makes it all.
4) The jsp won't print anything. TagSupport.doStartTag by default returns SKIP_BODY and as it is not overriden the body is ignored.
4) The jsp page will print Hello As far as I know you can't print from doAfterBdoy in a TagSupport handlers.You could just repeat the evaluation of the body by returning EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE and stop the loop on some condition by returning SKIP_BODY.I couldn't test this last thing as I am using tomcat 3.2.3 which doesn't support jsp 1.2.
4) The jsp page will print Hello Inside doAfterBdoy the bodyContent is in a stack and the implicit variable out prints into the bodyContent not to the outputStream.The bodyContent keeps a reference to the buffered writer (either a enclosing bodyContent or the implicit out variable) called the previousOut.If you want to print inside doAFterBdoy you have to use this previousOut. To print things unrelated with the body use pageContext.getOut in doStartTag. By default doStartTag in BodyTagSupport returns EVAl_BODY_BUFFERED which produces a stack of bodycontents, one bodycontent for each iteration.If you don't want this stack to be create you have to override doStartTag and return EVAL_BODY_IHCLUDE, then the default out would print to the output stream (to the response).
1) The jsp program won't compile It is param and not parameter that has to be specified in <jsp:setProperty name=name param=param /
3) If you make the http call: http://host/Hello.jsp the servlet container will execute MyServlet.
Try it.
Back to Question 29) 3) The program will assign the content of vector if assigment is: attr='<%= vector %>' 4) Microsoft is the worst software company in history. Help to the end of it by not using its products.
1) you can't specify both class and beanName attributes 2) you can specify both type and class attributes 3) you can specify both type and beanName atritbutes 4) type attribute is used to specify a superclass of the javabean
1)By simply calling getInitParameter from any of the servlets methods (for example doGet)
It can also be done by calling
getServletConfig().getInitParaemter, but it is not the only
option.GenericServlet implements ServletConfig so it has all its
also sessionWillPassivate
1) When shutting down the application they are called in order inversed of their apperance in the deployment descriptor. 3) A listener class can implement several listener interfaces
Back to Question 35 1) If there is defined an error page for an exception and a servlet included through a RequestDispathcer generates an exception, the standar mechanism of calling that error page is not used, so the calling servlet can process the excpetion. 3) If a servlet generates an exception not defined in a error page then the servlet container sets the response status 500 4) If a servlet generates a ServletException or subclass and no match is found in the error pages defined in the DD then, the servlet container tries again to find a match with the wrapped exception which is obtained by calling ServletException.getRootCause().
Back to Question 36 1) log is a method GenericServlet class 2) log is a method of ServletContext interface 3) log is an overloaded method the log signatures are log(String) and log(String, Trhrowable)
Back to Question 37
1) In
session-config element the timeout is specified in minutes
1) In session-config element the timeout is specified in minutes 2) In cookies the maxAge is specified in seconds and a value of zero means cookie deletion 4) If no session-config is specified and no maxInactiveInterval is spcecified the servlet container sets the default timeout.t
Back to Question 38) 1) setComment 2) getVersion 3) setMaxAge 4) getSecure
Back to Question 39) 3) By enconding the path with HttpServletResponse.endcodeRedirectURL method
Back to Question 40) 1) It only contains the element role-name
Back to Question 41) 2) isUserInRole(roleName)
4)none of the above.
The name of the interface is SingleThreadModel not Threaded
Back to Question 43) 4) <%= Hello %>
1) HttpServlet.init() throws ServletException 2) HttpServlet.service() thrwos ServletException and IOException destroy throws nothing and all doXxx trhrows ServletException and IOException.
Back to Question 45 1) There will be one instance of ServletContext in each VM 2) There will be only one instance of the default ServletContext in only one VM(the default ServletContext is one created for all servlets not deployed as part of an application are assigned) 3) All request that are part of a session must be handled by one VM at a time 4) Container must notify any session attributes implementing the HttpSessionActivationListener interface during migration of a session from one VM to another
Back to Question 46 2) Answer 1 is incorrect because also HttpServletRequest has getRealPath method
Back to Question 47 1) ServletRequest has setCharacterEncoding method 2) ServletRequest has getCharacterEncoding method 3) ServletResponse has getCharacterEncoding method
3) reset will clear uncommited data including headers and status line 4) resetBuffer won't clear headers nor status line If you call setBufferSize after data have been written it throws IllegalStateException.
1) valueBound method will be called before the object is accessible through getAttribute method 4) value Unbound method will be called after the object is removed from the sesion
1) The security model doesn't apply when a servlet uses a RequestDispathcer to include or forward a resource
3) URI paths specified are assumed to be URL decoded form
4) There are no mandatory elements.
2) It is a sub-elements of servlet
1) It must be an integer 2) It can be negative 3) If it is 0 (zero) it will be loaded at deployment time 4) Serveral servlets can have the same value for this element
4) login-config doesn't have mandatory sub-elements
2) By specifying in the DD: <distributable></distributable> It is an element with empty body.
4) The user will see the comment with the current date because the expression is evaluated at runtime. This example is in the JSP especifications.
1) Object with page scope are stored in object PageConttext If a page forwards to another page, objects created with request scope in the source page will be visible in request of the forwarded page 3) Objects with application scope can be created in pages that are not session-aware(with page attribute session=false)
1) info 3) pageEnconding 4) import
2) no
End of document