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Uncle Martin's Ghost Stories

Uncle Martin's been riding the range since he was knee high to a grasshopper. Yes sirree, he's seen some mighty strange things out there: UML's and RUP's and even XP's! And he's here to tell you all about them.

Do you think Extreme Programming gives developers a license to hack; that there is no longer a need for UML, flexible frameworks and design-patterns? Or has it rejuvenated the concept of evolutionary design? Uncle Martin shares his thoughts on the subject in Is Design Dead?

A tale of one process developed by Uncle Martin's co-worker, Matt Foemmel of ThoughtWorks, to ensure reliable builds become a reality through implementing Continuous Integration techniques.

With increased interest in "lightweight" methodologies Uncle Martin provides a summary of the available processes and factors to be considered before adopting The New Methodology on a project.

Dying for more tales from Uncle Martin? Check out these articles, reproduced from a regular column, Methods in Practice, written originally for Distributed Computing Magazine.

Keeping Software Soft Build software that can deal with unanticipated changes by making your design process dynamic.
Use and Abuse Use Cases How to avoid turning a valuable technique, the use case, into a never-ending story.
Object Oriented Analysis Is there such a thing, or is really just design? Uncle Martin shares his thoughts on the matter.
Testing Methods: The Ugly Duckling Find out why developing self-testing code may be the most important coding you can do!
What's a Model for? What exactly is the UML for and why should we use it?
Refactoring A brief introduction to Refactoring or Doing the design after the program runs
The Almighty Thud To write or not to write ... documentation that is!
How Standard is Standard UML? Is there really a UML Standard? And if so, where do the various CASE tools fit in?

Books by Uncle Martin