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EJB 3 in Action
Debu Panda, Reza Rahman, Derek Lane
Manning Publications
1 edition
April 2007
712 pages
Reviewed by Jeanne Boyarsky, May 2007
(9 of 10)
"EJB 3 in Action" manages to be an excellent read for both people new to EJB and people who have been using EJB 2.X. There are side notes throughout about significant changes from EJB 2.X. For larger topics that someone new to EJB 2.X might not know, the topic is covered in the appendix. The examples are interesting and well written, so it isn't boring reading about the purpose of a session bean if you already know it.
What really impressed me were the differences between this book and Sun's J2EE tutorial. The majority of examples used Java 5 syntax (for looping and the like.) This made the examples feel like EJB 3 examples rather than an old book robotically updated. Further, the authors explain when to use a deployment descriptor vs annotations. Sun sticks to the party line and barely mentions the deployment descriptor. The "EJB 3 in Action" approach is much more useful for gaining practical advice.
Best practices are described throughout. The authors don't assume you know Java 5 features and explain them as necessary. All the expected topics are covered. Additionally, there are chapters on Spring integration and migrating from EJB 2.X. The examples are app server agnostic, but they show you how to use one in the appendix. Finally, the appendixes provide an excellent reference for both the annotations and deployment descriptor.
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Manning Publications
1 edition
April 2007
712 pages
Reviewed by Christophe Verre, December 2008
(9 of 10)
One might say that "EJB3 In Action" is actually two books in one. Both EJB3's core functionality (Session beans, message driven beans, interceptors, transactions, exceptions...) and Java Persistence API (JPA) are covered. Learning Enterprise Java Beans is not an easy task, no matter how cleaner EJB3 are compared to EJB2. "EJB3 In Action" achieves to make a lot of advanced topics look easy. Not only does it provide the necessary information to understand EJB3 in an enjoyable style, it also introduces some best practices, performance issues, and illustrates important concepts with relevant code snippets. There is enough examples to keep you busy trying it yourself on your favorite container, as well as the downloadable application which is used throughout the book. There are also chapters about interoperability with EJB2, about using EJB3 with the Spring framework, well enough to satisfy the most curious and avid developers. All in all, the authors have made a fantastic job keeping the reader focused and entertained.
I used this book to study Sun's SCBCD certification. Although the book does not go as deep into the EJB specification as the exam does, I'm confident enough to say that, armed with this book and an exam simulator to fill the gaps, any serious developer can successfully pass.
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