LDAP Programming, Management and Integration
Clayton Donley
Manning Publications
1 edition
November 2002
352 pages
Reviewed by Michael Ernest, August 2003
(7 of 10)
Donley's has much less to do with with Java than it does with covering several aspects of LDAP and directory services in a brief guide. Several examples illustrate use of the JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) API, but the core premise is in understanding the technologies that JNDI makes available to the Java programmer.
I found the coverage lucid and useful, but only one point at a time. I couldn't get a feel for the flow of this book, and found myself flipping around quite a bit to see if I'd accidentally skipped a page and missed some key point.
Most LDAP books show the reader how to program to a C or Java interface for LDAP, or warm over the RFCs and specs with some contextual help. None of them seem particularly energizing. This book, while helpful and strong on a lot of individual points, lacks whatever it takes to tie the points together so the reader can say "Now I get it."