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Just Java 2
Peter van der Linden,
Peter van der Linden,
Peter van der Linden
Prentice Hall PTR
6 edition
July 2004
848 pages
Reviewed by Dirk Schreckmann, August 2004
(9 of 10)
I wish I'd had a copy of Peter van der Linden's "Just Java 2" when I first began to learn Java programming. This is the best introductory Java book I've read. It's also an excellent reference for experienced developers, with twenty-eight chapters of clear and concise explanations on J2SE topics, plus coverage of some J2EE topics, including JDBC, networking, servlets and JSPs, XML and web services.
If you're not quite sure how some part of the Java language or API works, if perhaps a new feature in Java 5, such as generics or auto-boxing (sorry, no coverage on annotations), is unfamiliar territory, you will understand it and how to use it after reading Peter's explanations. On every page, it shows that Peter understands what experienced developers should know, as he explains the purpose, mechanism and use of topic after topic, providing very informative breadth and depth.
If you're brand new to programming, you'll likely want to get hold of another introductory programming resource, and use "Just Java 2" as *the* reference for gaining a strong understanding of Java programming concepts.
Alas, the book no longer includes a CD with example code and miscellaneous utilities. The back cover of the book suggests that all the example programs are available at, but they aren't, yet. Don't despair. I'd bet they'll be available soon.
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Prentice Hall PTR
5th edition
December 2001
1136 pages
Reviewed by Marilyn de Queiroz, February 2003
(9 of 10)
The fifth edition of Peter van der Linden's book is an excellent introduction to Java 2. I found this book to be not only an informative and well-written view of Java, but also relaxed and amusing. At the end of each chapter is a section called 'Some Light Relief'.
The author now introduces Java to the beginning programmer as well as bringing the book more up to date by covering the new items in Java 1.4. He explains OOP concepts in plain English and uses illustrations. Small code snippets are used to demonstrate where needed, and he even builds a small webserver to demonstrate networking. He covers topics such as running servlets and JSPs on Tomcat, Java Beans, EJBs, networking, sockets and IO, including the new IO classes, advanced Thread topics, and RMI after he covers the basics of Java.
This book is not meant for people who are looking for a text to help them pass the Sun certification exams, but it will certainly help with understanding how the language works. In addition, the author has added exercises to help you consolidate and expand on what you have learned in each chapter.
The book also includes a CD which contains not only the sample programs developed in each chapter, but dozens of useful Java programs and utilities such as decompilers and obfuscators. It also contains a C/C++ editor and compiler, TCL, Perl and Python language kits and a number of Windows utility programs and shareware.
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Prentice Hall PTR
fourth edition
December 2001
1136 pages
Reviewed by Paul Wheaton, January 2000
(9 of 10)
My favorite all purpose Java book. When I started with Java, I browsed over 30 books and read twelve. At the time, Just Java 1.1 had just come out and it was the one that made everything click in my head. Now, whenever I want to try something new, or I want a refresher on some part of Java, this is the book I turn to first. The author has an excellent sense of humor and a way of writing that makes the topic seem obvious. The author is also a Java kernel developer, so you can be sure he knows what he's talking about. Be sure to look for "alternative material" on the CD :)
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