Author Topic:   Garbage collector
posted February 20, 2000 08:50 PM           
Vector v1 = new Vector()
Vector v2 = new Vector()
v1 = null//object v1 is eligible for gc
Vector v3 = v1;//object v1 is not gced becoz v3 has reference
v1 = v2 // object v1 is eligible for gc here once again

correct me..

maha anna
posted February 20, 2000 10:00 PM             
Vector v1 = new Vector() // 1st Vector object is created in heap
Vector v2 = new Vector() // 2nd Vector object is created in heap
v1 = null // 1st Vector object is eligible gor GC
Vector v3 = v1; // v3 ref is null now
v1 = v2 // v1 points to 2nd Vector Object

// Finally only 1st Vector obj is eligible
// for GC. 2nd Vector object is ref.d by
// both v1 and v2 not eligible for GC

maha anna

[This message has been edited by maha anna (edited February 20, 2000).]

Jim Yingst
posted February 21, 2000 02:39 AM             
The key here is that v1 and v2 are not objects, they are references. References are never collected, but the objects they used to refer to may be.

Vector v1 = new Vector()
Vector v2 = new Vector()

Now reference v1 refers to one Vector object, and v2 refers to another Vector object.

v1 = null//object v1 is eligible for gc

The Vector which was previously (originally) referenced by v1 is eligible for collection.

Vector v3 = v1;//object v1 is not gced becoz v3 has reference

Reference v1 is null, so now reference v3 is null also. The Vector which became eligible for GC on the last line is still eligible, as there are no references to it anywhere, and never will be again.

v1 = v2 // object v1 is eligible for gc here once again

Reference v1 now refers to the same Vector object that v2 does, which has never been eligible for collection (and certainly is not now, because it has two references to it.)

[This message has been edited by Jim Yingst (edited February 21, 2000).]
