Velocity - An Introductionby Thomas Paul
The Early Years of Servlet DevelopmentI started working on my first servlet application shortly after the Java Servlet specification was released. It became readily apparent that Servlets were not designed to separate the Java developer from the HTML developer. In fact, since the HTML was inside the Java program, even trivial changes to HTML required the Java programmer to change code, recompile, and in many cases restart the Servlet engine. We realized that this would make our applications difficult to maintain so we started looking for other options. We eventually developed a system based on three major requirements: 1) The HTML must be kept in a separate file from the Servlet and can be easily changed without recompiling the Servlet. 2) The HTML must be easily edited with any of the many HTML tools available. 3) The Servlet must be able to plug dynamic content into the HTML easily. If Velocity had been around then, we could have saved ourselves a lot of trouble because Velocity serves exactly this purpose. The Advantages of VelocityVelocity is a simple to use, open source web framework designed to be used as the view component of an MVC architecture. You can use it as a replacement for JSP or alongside JSP. It fits very well into more complex frameworks such as Struts or Turbine. The main advantage of using Velocity over JSP is that Velocity is simple to use. The Velocity Template Language (VTL) is so constrained in its capabilities that it helps to enforce separation of business logic from the view. You won't see any Java classes in a Velocity template (an HTML document with some Velocity placeholders). In fact, Velocity is so simple to use that you can teach your HTML team how to use Velocity in just a few hours. Installing VelocityAssuming you already have Tomcat installed, create a new web project called velocity and set up the appropriate WEB-INF directories. Under WEB-INF, in addition to lib and classes directories, create a directory called templates. Velocity is very easy to install.You can get Velocity from the binary download page of the Apache Jakarta Project. ( Download the zip or tar file. Inside you will find two jar files named, velocity-1.3.1.jar and velocity-dep-1.3.1.jar. Extract these two files to the WEB-INF\lib directory of your velocity web project. That's it. Velocity is now installed. The Velocity jar files should always be added to the lib directory for each Velocity project. A Basic Velocity ProgramInstead of going into a long, boring discussion of Velocity, let's look at a simple example of a Velocity program.We will start by assuming that we have created a web project called velocity in our Tomcat installation. We will need to setup our web.xml file in our project's WEB-INF directory. Here is what it may look like: <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN" ""> <web-app> <servlet> <servlet-name>HelloTest</servlet-name> <servlet-class>HelloTest</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>properties</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/</param-value> </init-param> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>HelloTest</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/HelloTest</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> </web-app> Sample 1. web.xml This is a fairly typical web.xml file. We have added one parameter representing the properties file used by Velocity. The properties file tells Velocity where to find the templates it will use and how to process them. Here is a sample properties file: resource.loader = file file.resource.loader.class = org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.FileResourceLoader file.resource.loader.path = c:/tomcat/webapps/velocity/WEB-INF/templates file.resource.loader.cache = true file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval = 2 Sample 2. The resource.loader tells Velocity that we will be getting the templates from files. Other options such as reading them from a jar file are also available. file.resource.loader.class tells Velocity the name of the class to use to read the files. file.resource.loader.path tells Velocity where to look for the templates. file.resource.loader.cache controls whether the templates will be cached. For performance reasons you will almost always wish to select true. file.resource.loader.modificationCheckInterval tells Velocity to check to see if a template has been changed in two second intervals. Setting this option to 0 will turn checking off. A Velocity template is simply an HTML document with some special placeholders that Velocity will recognize and replace with data you supply in your Java program. For our simple test, we have a template named hello.vm.(It is standard practice to name Velocity templates with the extension of vm.) Place the template in our WEB-INF/templates directory. <html> <body> Hello $name </body> <html> Sample 3. hello.vm The $name in the document is a placeholder or reference in Velocity terminology. When we run our Java program using this template $name will be replaced with the data we supply in our program. Let's look at a Velocity Servlet. import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet; import; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import javax.servlet.http.*; public class HelloTest extends VelocityServlet { public Template handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context ) { Template template = null; try { context.put("name", "Velocity Test"); template = Velocity.getTemplate("hello.vm"); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println("Exception caught: " + e.getMessage()); } return template; } } Sample 4. The code is actually quite simple.Our Servlet extends VelocityServlet which is the base class for Servlets in Velocity. We override the handleRequest() method which will be invoked when the Servlet is executed. Beside the normal HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects, Velocity also passes us a Context object. We will place the data we wish to use to fill the placeholders with into the Context object.In the example, the $name will be replaced by "Velocity Test". We must return a Template object. In our example, we are returning the template that we created above. Running this from http://localhost:8080/velocity/HelloTest will produce a screen that says "Hello Velocity Test". Using a Java Class in a TemplateThat was simple so now let's look at something a little more complex. Although we could fill our Context object with separate Strings for each placeholder, this isn't always required. We could create a Java class with the appropriate get methods and pass that to our template. Let's create a simple Customer class to use in our example. The class has set and get methods that we can use to access the private Customer variables. package com.javaranch.velocity; public class Customer { String customerNumber; String name; String address; String city; String state; String zip; String phone; public String getCustomerNumber() {return customerNumber;} public void setCustomerNumber(String s) {customerNumber = s;} public String getName() {return name;} public void setName(String s) {name = s;} public String getAddress() {return address;} public void setAddress(String s) {address = s;} public String getCity() {return city;} public void setCity(String s) {city = s;} public String getState() {return state;} public void setState(String s) {state = s;} public String getZip() {return zip;} public void setZip(String s) {zip = s;} public String getPhone() {return phone;} public void setPhone(String s) {phone = s;} } Sample 5. Now let's create a test Servlet to create a Customer object and pass it to a template. import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet; import; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import javax.servlet.http.*; import com.javaranch.velocity.Customer; public class CustomerSearch extends VelocityServlet { public Template handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context ) { Template template = null; Customer customer = getCustomer(); try { context.put("customer", customer); template = Velocity.getTemplate("customer.vm"); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println("Exception caught: " + e.getMessage()); } return template; } private Customer getCustomer() { Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setCustomerNumber("ABC123"); customer.setName("Joe JavaRanch"); customer.setAddress("123 Rancho Javo"); customer.setCity("Bueno Ranch"); customer.setState("CO"); customer.setZip("63121"); customer.setPhone("303-555-1212"); return customer; } } Sample 6. The Servlet creates a Customer object and puts it into the Context object. It then returns the customer template. How does the customer template access the data from the Customer object? The answer is that we use a simple dot notation. <html> <head><title>Customer Search Results - $customer.customerNumber</title></head> <body bgcolor="#faf7f1"> <h1>Customer information for customer number $customer.customerNumber</h1> <b>Name:</b> $<br> <b>Address:</b> $customer.address<br> <b>City:</b> $<br> <b>State:</b> $customer.state<br> <b>Zip:</b> $<br> <b>Phone:</b> $<br> </body> <html> Sample 7. customer.vm Each placeholder will invoke the get method from the Customer object. For example, $ will invoke the getName() method of the Customer object. Do you notice what is missing from the template? There is no mention of the Java class whatsoever. Although we used $customer, that was only because "customer" was the name used when the Customer object was placed into the Context object. Because this template doesn't know anything about a specific Java class, it will work with any Java class as long as it has the matching get methods. To test this, update your web.xml file and try running it. Using the Velocity Template LanguageVTL is fairly simple but it does provide some very useful functionality. There is, for example, an if-then-else structure available. The most useful VTL command is the #foreach command which allows you to process through a Collection object. This will allow you to display a list of data on your HTML page. For a quick example, let's add a few invoices to the customer page. First, we will need an invoice object. I have created a very simple example excluding most of the information you would include in a real invoice class. However, in addition to the normal get method for each variable, I have added a special display method that will format the data for output. Here is the Invoice class: package com.javaranch.velocity; import java.util.*; import java.text.*; public class Invoice { Date orderDate; Date shipDate; float invoiceTotal; float shipTotal; float taxTotal; DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.LONG); public Date getOrderDate() {return orderDate;} public String getOrderDateDisplay() {return df.format(orderDate);} public void setOrderDate(Date s) {orderDate = s;} public Date getShipDate() {return shipDate;} public String getShipDateDisplay() {return df.format(shipDate);} public void setShipDate(Date s) {shipDate = s;} public float getInvoiceTotal() {return invoiceTotal;} public String getInvoiceTotalDisplay() { return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(invoiceTotal); } public void setInvoiceTotal(float s) {invoiceTotal = s;} public float getShipTotal() {return shipTotal;} public String getShipTotalDisplay() { return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(shipTotal); } public void setShipTotal(float s) {shipTotal = s;} public float getTaxTotal() {return taxTotal;} public String getTaxTotalDisplay() { return NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance().format(taxTotal); } public void setTaxTotal(float s) {taxTotal = s;} } Sample 8. We update the Customer class to include an ArrayList to hold invoices and add a couple of methods to add and get the Invoices: package com.javaranch.velocity; import java.util.*; public class Customer2 { ? ArrayList invoices = new ArrayList(); ? public void addInvoice(Invoice invoice) {invoices.add(invoice);} public ArrayList getInvoices() {return invoices;} } Sample 9. The code above is added to the Customer object we created earlier. Now we need a test Servlet to load the Customer2 object with Invoices and invoke the Velocity Template. import org.apache.velocity.Template; import org.apache.velocity.servlet.VelocityServlet; import; import org.apache.velocity.context.Context; import javax.servlet.http.*; import java.util.*; import com.javaranch.velocity.*; public class CustomerSearch2 extends VelocityServlet { public Template handleRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Context context ) { Template template = null; Customer2 customer = getCustomer(); try { context.put("customer", customer); template = Velocity.getTemplate("customer2.vm"); } catch( Exception e ) { System.err.println("Exception caught: " + e.getMessage()); } return template; } private Customer2 getCustomer() { Customer2 customer = new Customer2(); customer.setCustomerNumber("ABC123"); customer.setName("Joe JavaRanch"); customer.setAddress("123 Rancho Javo"); customer.setCity("Bueno Ranch"); customer.setState("CO"); customer.setZip("63121"); customer.setPhone("303-555-1212"); addInvoices(customer); return customer; } private void addInvoices(Customer2 customer) { Invoice inv = null; Date[] datesOrder = {new GregorianCalendar(2004,01,21).getTime(), new GregorianCalendar(2003,11,18).getTime(), new GregorianCalendar(2003,11,01).getTime()}; Date[] datesShip = {new GregorianCalendar(2004,01,28).getTime(), new GregorianCalendar(2003,11,20).getTime(), new GregorianCalendar(2003,11,15).getTime()}; float[] invTotals = {231.45f, 456.22f, 86.14f}; float[] taxTotals = {18.21f, 43.18f, 3.11f}; float[] shipTotals = {6.54f, 14.38f, 14.32f}; for (int i=0; i<datesOrder.length; i++) { inv = new Invoice(); inv.setOrderDate(datesOrder[i]); inv.setShipDate(datesShip[i]); inv.setInvoiceTotal(invTotals[i]); inv.setTaxTotal(taxTotals[i]); inv.setShipTotal(shipTotals[i]); customer.addInvoice(inv); } } Sample 10. Now we need to create the new template. We will add the #foreach command to process through the ArrayList. <html> <head> <title>Customer Search Results - $customer.customerNumber</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#faf7f1"> <h1>Customer information for customer number $customer.customerNumber</h1> <b>Name:</b> $<br> <b>Address:</b> $customer.address<br> <b>City:</b> $<br> <b>State:</b> $customer.state<br> <b>Zip:</b> $<br> <b>Phone:</b> $<br> <p> <h3>Recent Invoices:</h3> <table border=1 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" > <tr bgcolor="#FFFF00"> <th>Order Date</th> <th>Ship Date</th> <th>Shipping Charge</th> <th>Tax</th> <th>Total Cost</th> </tr> #foreach ($invoice in $customer.invoices) <tr> <td>$invoice.orderDateDisplay</td> <td>$invoice.shipDateDisplay</td> <td>$invoice.shipTotalDisplay</td> <td>$invoice.taxTotalDisplay</td> <td>$invoice.invoiceTotalDisplay</td> </tr> #end </table> </body> <html> Sample 11. customer2.vm Let's look at this in detail. #foreach will start a loop. The loop will allow us to process all the data in the ArrayList. $customer.invoices runs the getInvoices() method of the Customer object which returns an ArrayList. Each entry in the ArrayList is extracted one at a time and named $invoice. $invoice.orderDateDisplay will run the getOrderDateDisplay method of the Invoice object. An iteration of the loop is terminated with the #end command. When all the entries of the ArrayList have been processed, we will leave the loop. ConclusionsVelocity is amazingly easy to use and to integrate into any Servlet application. Simpler than JSPs, Velocity forces you to separate logic from content because VTL is so limited in its capabilities. Since velocity uses placeholders in an HTML document, it is very easy to code your HTML using a fancy HTML editor. The placeholders simply mark the place in your document that will get replaced with real data. Velocity can run standalone outside of a Servlet engine if you like. You could, for example, use Velocity to read in a file and write out a new file with the placeholders updated. In addition, Velocity has a suite of tools that can be used that provide additional functionality. Overall, Velocity is an extremely nice product. Because it is so simple and concentrates on a single aspect of your web architecture it can be easily integrated into almost any web development project. Return to Top |
Automate the build process of your J2ME project with Antennaby Matthew PhillipsIntroductionI think that most people would agree that Ant is a wonderful build tool for Java applications. I don't always use it, but I try to. If you aren't using Ant and would like to learn how, check out Thomas Paul's article in the March, 2002 newsletter. If you are not convinced of it's usefulness, check out Frank Carver's series of articles on building Small and Simple Web Applications - the Friki way (see the links at the end of this article). I'll wait here. If you are still here or have returned, then you may be wondering how this all applies to that J2ME project that you are working on. If so, then I'd like to introduce you to Antenna. All those nice conveniences that the Sun Wireless Tool Kit (hereafter referred to as WTK) provides can be done easily from your Ant build script. Integrating the WTK into your buildAntenna introduces several Ant tasks that perform key functions of the WTK. Antenna relies on the WTK to do the brunt of the work, so you will need to have that installed. As with all optional Ant tasks, you need to let Ant know about them in your build file. Fortunately Ant makes this easy for you: build.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <project name="J2ME" default="build" basedir="." > <property name="wtk.home" value="c:\wtk"/> <taskdef resource=""/> As I wrote before, Antenna relies on the WTK to provide the underlying functionality. It does this by using the wtk.home property to find where you have the WTK installed. Antenna defines all tasks in a file called "", which is in antenna-bin-0.9.11.jar. Ant will know what it needs to about the Antenna tasks after you add antenna-bin-0.9.11.jar to your Ant distribution's lib folder.
Automating your jad fileThe WtkJad task writes your *.jad and manifest files so that you don't have to. It looks like this: WtkJad <target name="make.jad"> <wtkjad jadfile="bin/${}.jad" jarfile="bin/${}.jar" manifest="bin/MANIFEST.MF" name="${}" vendor="${}" version="1.0.0" > <midlet name="TinyClass" class="TinyClass" /> <midlet name="TinyClass2" class="TinyClass2" /> <midlet name="TinyClass3" class="TinyClass3" /> <attribute name="districtNo" value="378" /> </wtkjad> </target> The target has several useful properties. The jadfile property, which is the only required property, tells the WTK what to name your jad file. The jarfile controls the values of the MIDlet-Jar-URL and MIDlet-Jar-Size properties in the jad file. The name property controls the name of your MIDlet suite. Vendor and version controls the jad properties of the same name. The manifest property controls the name and location of the manifest file. The two elements of the wtkjad task are the midlet and attribute elements. The midlet element allows you to define each MIDlet in your suite. I've shown the name and class attributes, but there is also an icon attribute if you would like to define an icon as well. The attribute element allows you to define any other properties that need to be defined in your jad file. Running the above task will result in the following jad file being built for you: mysuite.jad MIDlet-Jar-URL: mysuite.jar MIDlet-Jar-Size: 1791 MIDlet-Name: mysuite MIDlet-Vendor: maphillips MIDlet-Version: 1.0.0 MIDlet-1: TinyClass, , TinyClass MIDlet-2: TinyClass2, , TinyClass2 MIDlet-3: TinyClass3, , TinyClass3 districtNo: 378 Compile and PreverifyThe wtkbuild task extends Ant's javac task and adds a few properties to aid with your J2ME code. One of the big conveniences of this task is that there is no need to add to your classpath. The task does that for you automatically. Another important, but optional, property is the preverify property. If you set this property to true, then the preverify process will run after your code is compiled. There is also a preverify task and a preverify property of the package task (explained later) so you have several points in which you can have the preverification occur. The wtkbuild task looks like this: mysuite.jad <target name="compile" depends="init"> <wtkbuild srcdir="src" destdir="classes" preverify="true" /> </target> Packaging your codeThe wtkpackage task extends Ant's jar task and gives you a little more control over the packaging process. As stated previously, you may preverify during this task, but since we did that during the compile process, there is no need to here. It needs to know the directory you want to jar, the name of the jar file, and the name of the jad file. If you have any external libraries to include, you may do so with the libclasspath attribute. You may also run an obfuscator during the package process, but we'll save that for a separate task. The wtkpackage task looks like this: mysuite.jad <target name="package" depends="compile, make.jad"> <wtkpackage jarfile="bin/${}.jar" jadfile="bin/${}.jad" basedir="classes" manifest="bin/MANIFEST.MF" preverify="false" libclasspath="lib" /> </target> Running the emulatorRunning your MIDlet suite is made incredibly easy with the wtkrun task. It needs to know the name and location of the jadfile. It will use the default device of the WTK, but you may also use the device attribute to control this. The default behavior of this task is for Ant to pause while the emulator is running. That will allow you to see anything that the emulator writes to System.out or System.err. If you don't want this behavior, you can set the wait attribute to false. A simple wtkrun task looks like this: mysuite.jad <target name="run" depends="package"> <wtkrun jadfile="bin/${}.jad" device="DefaultColorPhone" wait="true"/> </target> ObfuscationWhen you are ready to deploy your code, you may want to obfuscate it. The wtkobfuscate task will take care of it. It can use either the RetroGuard or ProGuard. ProGuard is the default, but you may use the obfuscator attribute to specify which to use. In order for this task to function properly, the jar file for the obfuscator you choose needs to either be in the WTK's bin folder or on your class path. The task looks like this: mysuite.jad <target name="obfuscate" depends="package"> <wtkobfuscate jarfile="bin/${}.jar" obfuscator="retroguard"/> </target> ConclusionAntenna has made my development life much easier. I hope this introduction will make yours easier as well. The Antenna web site has valuable information to make the tool even more useful. Return to Top |
Use Custom Tags to Aggregate RSS Feeds into JSP-Based Web Appsby Simon BrownWith the abundance of news and blog (Weblog) sites growing continuously, keeping track of what?s going on can be a daunting task. Fortunately, standards such as RSS (Really Simple Syndication) provide an easy way to grab content from a particular site and aggregate it into a news reader application. This means that, rather than looking for news yourself, your news reader monitors sites that you?re interested in and downloads new content as it?s published. This is a great model and many people have taken the concept to the Web by aggregating other content on their own Websites and offering aggregation services via the Web. In this article, I?ll show you how to use JSP custom tags to implement this type of functionality as a reusable component within your own JSP-based Web applications. Although I?m assuming that you?re comfortable with Java and you have some working knowledge of building Web applications with JavaServer Pages (JSP), I won?t assume any knowledge of JSP custom tags. Before we get started, download the code we'll use in this article here. RSS and News Aggregators - a Brief HistoryThe RSS standard has been around for the last few years, but only recently has it really started to catch on. One of the reasons behind this is that software like MovableType and Radio Userland have made blogging available to the masses in an affordable package. Where previously, news sections of Websites contained snapshots of a particular company or individual, and were rarely updated, these RSS tools allow us to take a more dynamic approach, providing an easy mechanism by which to add new news items to sites. Thanks to these tools, and the proliferation of news being presented via the Internet, keeping up to date is a much more difficult task than ever before. For this reason, a standard format was defined to allow news to be syndicated and aggregated through desktop applications called news readers. The result was that RSS, the Really Simple Syndication format, was born. In essence, RSS is simply an XML document that can be used to describe the content available on a given Website. Typically, ?content? means news items, but other uses of RSS include summarising articles, short stories, and so on. A good example of an RSS feed is the UK news from the BBC. The introduction of the RSS standard format made the aggregation of content much, much easier than before. Reading RSS Feeds from JavaSince RSS feeds are nothing more than standardised XML documents, reading and processing RSS is fairly easy in any language that provides support for XML. Now that J2SE 1.4 provides integral support for XML, it?s simply a matter of using the appropriate classes to read in the XML document. Once the document has been read, presenting it back to the user in a desktop or Web-based application is then trivial. For the purpose of this article, I?m going to show how to aggregate content from an RSS feed into your own Web applications. The use of this technique can be applied across a wide range of applications, from corporate intranet sites aggregating content from various departments, to personal Websites aggregating content from friends and family. Before we talk more about custom tags, let's quickly look at how we will read in the RSS feeds using Java code. Manipulating XML documents in Java code can be tedious and therefore, rather than code against the raw XML, I've chosen to build a very simple object representation of the RSS feed. The first class is called
In reality, RSS feeds have other characteristics, but the collection of items is enough for our purposes. Next up is the Java class that represents an item in a RSS feed. Typically, several pieces of information will be presented for each item in the feed; I've chosen to wrap these within an object. The information that?s relevant for each item in this example is its title and a link (URL) back to the full story on the Web.
The final piece of the puzzle is the class that will actually read the XML document and transform it into our object representation -- the
This is all the logic we need to read RSS feeds. Let's now take a look at how to hook this into a JSP page. Reading RSS Feeds from JSPFor the purposes of this article, I?m going to assume that you?ve chosen to build your Web application using Java Web technologies and, specifically, that you?re going to use JavaServer Pages (JSP). One of the great things about this technology is that it makes the injection of dynamic behaviour into your pages easy -- all you need to do is add a little Java here and there. For example, we could use the classes we've just built in a JSP page:
This code grabs the RSS feed from the specified URL and, using the standard While embedding Java code as a scriptlet is useful, it can soon become problematic -- particularly if you need to reuse that code on other pages within your Web applications. After all, there is no easy way to reuse such code; to simply copy and paste the code throughout your application will eventually lead to maintainability issues, as changes need to be replicated in every occurrence of that script. Ideally, we want to reuse code at the component level, taking a given component and using it wherever necessary. JSP custom tags are the answer. Wrapping the RSS Reader in a JSP Custom TagJSP custom tags are a means to wrap common and recurring logic into a form that?s reusable across the pages of your Web applications. In the current version of the JSP specification (1.2), the behaviour of a custom tag is implemented as a Java class that activates a specific interface, in much the same way you?d implement a servlet, for example. This Java class is generally called the tag handler. The key difference between custom tags and regular Java classes lies in the way they?re used within JSP pages. Where Java code is simply embedded in the page, custom tags are used with an XML syntax. For example, here?s how the custom tag will be used when we?ve finished building it. Notice that here we have a starting tag, some body content, then the ending tag.
This will achieve exactly the same result as the scriptlet code we saw before -- the tag provides the iteration over each item in the feed. Essentially, the tag is now the looping construct and the body content of the tag is evaluated for each iteration, in the same way that the content of a while loop is evaluated for each iteration. Custom tags provide us with a way to build cleaner, more concise JSP pages that benefit from the advantages of reusing components -- increased maintainability, quality, reliability, and so on. Building a Tag Handler ClassNow that you have an understanding of why custom tags are useful, let?s take a look at how to build one. As I said before, the behaviour is wrapped up as a regular Java class that implements a specific interface. In the case of custom tags, the interface that must be implemented (at a minimum) is Tag, from the For convenience, the JSP specification also provides a basic implementation of this interface, called TagSupport, which is an ideal starting point from which to build your own tags. The following code snippet shows the start of the source code for the tag handler, including all the necessary imports. It also shows a couple of attributes -- we?ll see where these are used later on.
In the tag usage example I presented earlier, we saw that there was a starting tag, some body content, and the ending tag. These different aspects of the tag are important because they define when the JSP page will fire the callback methods that we write in our tag handler class. The functionality we need to implement is identical to that shown before; we need to read in an RSS feed from a URL, then iterate over each item in the feed so that a hyperlink can be generated. With the The
Since this code is only called once per tag, and is the first of the callback methods to be fired, it?s here that we can read the RSS feed and set up an iterator to loop over the collection of items. If you think of this method as the start of the while loop, the first step is to check that there are items in the collection. If there are, we want to make the first item available for use in the JSP page, so that we can utilise it within the body content of the tag. To do this, we set an attribute on the JSP The next callback method of interest is the
Once the body content is evaluated, the next step is to see whether there are any more items in the collection. If there are, we want to make the new item available to the JSP page and indicate that the body content should be re-evaluated, by returning a constant value of When all the evaluations have been performed, the final callback method is executed.
This implementation simply tells the JSP page that the remainder of the page should be processed as normal. In fact, the implementation of the The final method we need to implement is a setter for the URL. If you look back to the example of how the tag will be used on the page, you?ll notice that the URL of the RSS feed is specified as an attribute of the custom tag. To make this information available to the tag handler class, we need to write a setter method in the same way we?d write setter methods for JavaBean properties. Any setter methods that correspond to attributes of a custom tag are called before the callback methods, so that their values are available for use within those callback methods.
Compiling the Tag Handler ClassTo compile the tag handler class, make sure you have the Servlet and JSP classes in your classpath. If you?re using Tomcat 4, these can be found in the Describing the TagThe next step is to describe the custom tag using an XML file called a tag library descriptor, or TLD file. This step is necessary because it allows us to define how the custom tag will be used on the page, the name of its attributes, and so on. Starting at the top, we have all the usual XML header information:
Next, we have the start of the tag library definition. Although custom tags are reusable, they must be defined within the context of a tag library -- a collection of one or more tags that are typically related in some way. This block of XML allows us to define the version of our tag library, the required version of JSP, a short name, and a description of the tag library.
Following this is the definition of the tags in the tag library. Here we have only one, which defines the name of the tag as it will be used on a JSP page, the name of the tag handler class, the body content type and, again, a short description.
Of these, the body content probably needs some more explanation. The JSP specification provides several body content types that can be defined for custom tags, with the two most useful being empty and JSP. A body content type of empty indicates that the custom tag will be used without body content on the page, which is handy when you simply want the tag to perform some sort of action. On the other hand, a body content type of JSP indicates that there will be regular JSP constructs used between the start and end tags. This is what we?re using in this example, because we?d like the body content to be evaluated for each item in the RSS feed. The next part of the XML file describes the scripting variable that will be introduced into the page within the body content of the tag. In the tag handler code, we get the next RSS item from the collection, then place the reference to that object in the page context under the name rssItem. One of the things custom tags can do is make these attributes available as scripting variables on the JSP page, so they can be accessed with the request-time expression syntax of
The final aspect of the tag to describe is its attributes. In this example there is only a single attribute, called
Using the TagFor the purposes of this example, let's assume that the TLD file has been saved as
Future EnhancementsThe tag presented here is fairly simple in its implementation, and there are many enhancements that could be made. For example, every time the JSP page is requested, the tag opens up an HTTP connection to retrieve the contents of the RSS feed. While this is okay for a low traffic site, a better solution would be to cache the feed on a regular basis. This would avoid the performance penalty associated with opening a network connection for every page request. Also, the tag doesn't take into account what happens if a network error occurs. For example, the Website might be down or may not be functioning correctly. In any case, you would probably want to add some error handling, perhaps to display a message to alert users that the feed isn't currently available. SummaryIn this article we've looked at what RSS is, how to read RSS feeds, and how to integrate this functionality into a JSP-based Web application. Although we could have built this functionality directly into the JSP page using Java code scriptlets, developing a JSP custom tag has allowed us to build a more maintainable component with the added advantage that it?s reusable, too. Building the tag handler class and writing the TLD file does involve slightly more work than would embedding Java code into the page. However, I believe that the benefits in maintainability and reusability easily justify the additional effort involved. Return to Top |
Asynchronous queries in J2EEby Kyle BrownSenior Technical Staff Member IBM Software Services for WebSphere
There's a servlet design problem so common that I hear it asked at least once a week, if not more often, in customer meetings, on Java newsgroups, or on forums like the JavaRanch or jGuru. The question, as it's often phrased is:
"How do I get my servlet to stop timing out on a really long database query?"
Regardless of how much database tuning effort you put into a project, there usually are one or two queries that end up taking much, much longer than you hope. In many cases, these especially complex queries may take up to a minute or longer to execute. The issue is that if you call a long query directly from a Servlet or JSP, the browser may time out before the call completes. When this happens, the user of your application will not see the result. There are commercial solutions to this problem (such as Async Beans in WebSphere Application Server, Enterprise Edition) but if you do not have access to those proprietary solutions, or need a solution that will be portable across multiple application servers, you are left to your own devices.
So, given this problem, developers often start casting about for a solution and usually end up finding out about using the <META> tag for server polling. This tag tells the client it must refresh the page after a number of seconds[1]. The number of seconds and the URL of the new page are specified in the CONTENT attribute of the tag:
<META http-equiv="Refresh" content="10; url=New-page.html">
So, once a developer determines that he can have the browser query the servlet on a regular basis to re-fetch a page, they quickly determine that the servlet can check for the value of a variable (perhaps in the HttpSession) to determine if the page returned will contain either the that the user requested, or a <META> tag that will display a "Please wait?" message and try fetching the page again later.
What goes along with this solution is usually a decision to use a separate thread to handle the long query so that the main thread can return the HTTP response as quickly as possible. While this has been a perfectly acceptable solution in the past, it introduces complications, both from a programming perspective, and from a specification perspective today. For instance, in WebSphere Application Server 5.0, if you attempt to access a database on a thread you have spawned yourself, you will see the following errors appear in the log:
4/11/03 11:53:41:711 PDT] 891a0
ConnectionMan W J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while
processing method allocateMCWrapper.
According to a Technical note from WebSphere support "If a Servlet is spinning its own threads and accessing a database, the J2EE specification is not clear on this, so WebSphere Application Server 5.0 will allow it at this time. IBM is working with Sun to clarify this in the specification, so eventually (i.e. J2EE 1.4) spun threads from a Servlet accessing a database outside of a transaction will not be supported either". Later the same tech note states "Customers should consider changing their application to comply with the J2EE specification."
However, this is not the only problem that comes up with starting your own threads from a servlet. Not only will the transaction context not be defined, but the security context will not be defined either. Also, if the JVM running this thread dies, then the query is lost; even if your HttpSession is persistent, no other application server JVM in the cluster will know about the query that was running on the thread. In general, given the direction in which the J2EE specifications are heading, toward becoming more restrictive regarding thread creation, it's probably not a good idea to create your own threads from a Servlet in any case.
A J2EE-compliant solution for Queries
So, how can we manage to execute a long-running query asynchronously from a servlet that is intended to return the result of that query, and yet remain firmly within the bounds of good J2EE design? What you should examine instead of creating your own threads is using your application server's built-in internal JMS messaging (such as WebSphere's based on WebSphere MQ) to do the database access within the context of a Message-Driven Bean, and then have the MDB post a response to another queue which the Servlet would then query for the particular response. The way it works is that your servlet posts a "request" on a queue and returns to the user a page that then checks back later, either using a <META> tag or a Javascript script. When "later" happens, the servlet looks for the response in the queue and shows the result. The following diagram illustrates this process.
This diagram shows four main activities: 1. Requesting Servlet places the query on the request queue. 2. The Browser polls the servlet at a refresh interval. 3. Displaying Servlet checks the reply queue for the query response. 4. Query Processor MDB dequeues the query, performs it, and queues the result. The pages returned by both the Requesting servlet and the Displaying Servlet (prior to the final display of the results) use the META tag to automatically request a refresh of the Displaying Servlet every few seconds. The browser polls the Displaying Servlet; each time it is invoked, the servlet checks for a result inside the JMS Queue.
The Query Processor then takes in the requests, executes the appropriate long-running database code, and then returns the response to the servlet through another queue. Query Processor should be implemented as a Message-Driven Bean, which has several advantages ? first, since MDBs are EJBs, they tie together in a single transaction the receipt of the message on the queue and the processing of any database updates that execute within the onMessage() method. This means that if a database failure occurs that prevents processing of a request, that the request message will be placed back on the queue so that it may be tried again later; this helps with resolving transient errors like a database connection not being available. Second, MDB's within a cluster listening on the same queue act as "Competing Consumers" [Hohpe]. This means that all of the members of the cluster balance work of processing messages; if messages are not being processed fast enough, you can add more JVM's to the cluster in order to increase the processing power available.
Implementing multiple Queries with Commands
An important point to examine here is how you can implement your MDB in such a way that you don't need to have a different queue or MDB for each potential query that you run. For example, the simplest implementation of this pattern would simply involve pulling parameters off of a message, and then directly invoking a DAO with the parameters thus obtained. So, your implementation might look something like this:
public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) {
TextMessage tMsg = (TextMessage) msg; String customerNumber; try { customerNumber = tMsg.getText(); } catch (JMSException e) { System.out.println("Exception caught: " + e); fMessageDrivenCtx.setRollbackOnly(); return; } OrderDAO orderDAO = new OrderDAO(); Collection orders = orderDAO.findOrdersBy(customerNumber); // now send the response back by looking up the // response queue and returning the collection... }
However, the problem with this approach is that if we have another long running query (say, finding all Orders by the items they contain) then we'd need to write and deploy another MDB to invoke a different method on the DAO; something that would quickly become tedious as the number of queries increased. So, instead, a better approach is to use the Command pattern [Gamma]. In fact, this is also the "Command Message" pattern [Hohpe]. Our solution is as follows;
(1) Create a Command object in your Requesting Servlet that represents the particular query that you want to execute (2) Send the Command object as an object message to the command processor MDB (3) Invoke the execute() method on the command object, letting it execute its query inside the context of the MDB (4) Obtain the result from the Command object and package it as a result on a response queue.
So, a more sophisticated example of our MDB, one that deals with as many query types as you may care to support, would look like the following:
public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) { Response response; try { ObjectMessage message = (ObjectMessage) msg; ProcessingRequest request = (ProcessingRequest) message.getObject(); response = request.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { response = new ErrorResponse(e); } processResponse(response, msg); }
To make this work, we need to implement our Commands so that they execute their long-running queries in response to the execute() message. This is a standard implementation of the Command pattern. In our case, let's consider just one of many possible Commands, an OrdersForCustomerRequest, as shown below:
Creating Commands in a Servlet
In order to understand how this Command will be used, let's begin at the Servlet that creates it, the OrderQueryRequestServlet:
public class OrderQueryRequestServlet
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
customerNumber =
retrievalRequest =
retrievalRequest.setCustomerNumber(customerNumber); packageRequest(retrievalRequest, req);
RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/PleaseWait.html"); disp.forward(req, resp); } }
This servlet would run in response to a PST request form an HTML page that includes one form parameter, the customerNumber that we are querying for. The flow of the servlet is simple; it obtains the parameter, creates a Command object (the OrdersForCustomerRequest) that will use that parameter, and then calls the packageRequest() method to manage the request. The packageRequest() method is the one that actually does the heavy lifting of placing that command on the request queue. Its implementation (from the superclass DeferredDatabaseAccessServlet) is shown below:
public void packageRequest(ProcessingRequest reqObj, HttpServletRequest servletReq) {
try { //Create a correlation id String
correlationId =
//Look up the QueueConnectionFactory in JNDI javax.jms.QueueSession session = conn.createQueueSession( false, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); javax.jms.QueueSender sender = session.createSender((Queue) requestQueue); javax.jms.ObjectMessage replyMsg = session.createObjectMessage(reqObj); // Now need to set the correlation ID replyMsg.setJMSCorrelationID(correlationId); replyMsg.setJMSReplyTo(responseQueue); // Finally send the message sender.send(replyMsg); session.close(); // Now set the correlation id in the session so // the response servlet can find the message HttpSession servletSession = servletReq.getSession(); servletSession.setAttribute("MessageCorrelationId",
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not process Response " + e); } }
Now we begin to get to some of the more interesting design points about implementing this pattern. Note that in this method we have used a JMS correlation id to uniquely identify this message. Correlation identifiers (as described in [Hohpe] and [Monson-Haefel]) are used to link related messages together. The most common use is exactly what we are doing here: to link a response with an earlier request, so that you can locate a particular response out of many unrelated responses on a shared queue. We'll return to this later after we trace the path of this particular command object through the rest of the system. Note that in this case we are simply using the current system time as our correlation identifier. If this application runs in a cluster (or just runs very quickly) it is possible, but improbable, that the same correlation identifier might be used for two messages. In a real system using this pattern, you should probably also append a random number to your correlation id to prevent this.
At this point, the Command object for our query has been placed on the outgoing (request) queue and awaits processing. After it has been placed on the queue, the requesting servlet places the message's correlation id in the HttpSession (we'll see why later) and then returns a page to the user that asks him to wait. This page is shown below:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="3; URL=http://localhost:9080/DeferredExecutionMessageWeb/ResponseServlet"> <TITLE>PleaseWait.html</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>We are attempting to process your request. Please wait...</P> </BODY> </HTML>
As you can see, this page uses the meta tag described above to check in on the Servlet named ResponseServlet every 3 seconds. We'll visit this servlet later, but for now let's follow the trail of our Command message.
Processing Commands in an MDB
The next stop for our Command object is the MDB that processes all of the commands placed on the request queue. In our example, this is the DatabaseAccessProcessorBean. As with all MDB's, the action begins in the onMessage() method, where the message is received:
public void onMessage(javax.jms.Message msg) { Response response; try { ObjectMessage message = (ObjectMessage) msg; ProcessingRequest
request = (ProcessingRequest) response = request.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { response = new ErrorResponse(e); } processResponse(response, msg); }
Here the first thing that happens is that the Command object is extracted from the ObjectMessage created in the servlet. Once the Command object has been obtained, then the Command's execute() method can be invoked. Remember that execute() is polymorphic; in our case since this Command is an instance of the OrdersForCustomerRequest class, then this is the execute() method that runs:
public Response execute() {
// Note ? this sleep() is ONLY to simulate a long running query! // Do NOT do this in your own code!
try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { }
// The method as it should be implemented really starts here. Response response; try { OrdersForCustomerResponse
aResponse = aResponse.setCustomerNumber(customerNumber); Collection results = getOrdersFor(customerNumber); aResponse.setOrders(results); response = aResponse; } catch (OrderException e) { ErrorResponse aResponse = new ErrorResponse(e); response = aResponse; } return response; }
Before moving much farther into this method, I have a confession to make. It's hard to simulate a long-running query in an example like this. Usually queries take a long time to execute because they are examining a large number of tables, or a large number of rows. In any case, this article is about how to deal with long running queries when they occur, not how to create a long-running query. So, in this example, I slowed down the execution of the Command by adding a Thread.sleep() for 10 seconds. This is not something you should normally do; in fact, doing this (or any sort of thread manipulation) is frowned upon by the EJB specification, even though it will execute in WAS 5.0.
Now that we're past that nastiness, though, we get to how the Command really runs. In this case, we construct a Response object (of the type OrdersForCustomerResponse), and then run our query. I'll not show the JDBC code to execute the query here, but if you are interested, you can download the example and look at the code. The point is that this is where you execute the long running query. The advantage of doing it here is that the EJB container is managing the thread in which this query runs, and what's more, you have control over whether or not you choose to execute the query within an EJB transaction (in which case the transaction could time out before the query completes) or outside of an EJB transaction within a Resource Manager Local Transaction (see the InfoCenter or Chapter 29 of [Brown] for information on RMLT's).
After the query completes, the collection of results is placed in the Response object, and is returned back to the onMessage() method, which then calls the processResponse() method, shown below:
private void processResponse(Response response, Message inMsg) { try { InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(); Object o = ctx.lookup( "java:comp/env/jms/QueueConnectionFactory"); qcf = (QueueConnectionFactory) o, QueueConnectionFactory.class); //Create a QueueConnection on the Connection Factory //and this queue qConn = qcf.createQueueConnection(); Destination replyQueue = inMsg.getJMSReplyTo(); //Look up the QueueConnectionFactory in JNDI javax.jms.QueueSession session = qConn.createQueueSession( false, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); javax.jms.QueueSender sender = session.createSender((Queue) replyQueue); javax.jms.ObjectMessage replyMsg = session.createObjectMessage(response); // Now need to set the correlation ID replyMsg.setJMSCorrelationID( inMsg.getJMSCorrelationID()); // Finally send the message sender.send(replyMsg); session.close(); qConn.close();
} catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Could not process Response " + e); } }
There isn't much new here, since this is nearly the same as the corresponding packageRequest() method in the DeferredDatabaseAccessServlet we saw earlier. Basically this method exists to place the response object in an ObjectMessage, and then place that ObjectMessage back on the response queue. The only two points of interest in this method are:
(1) Instead of hard-coding the queue name we've used the JMS reply-to queue feature, which, you'll recall, we set up in the packageRequest() method earlier. (By the way, this is called the "Return Address" pattern in [Hohpe]. (2) Also, we set the correlation id of the response message to be the same as the correlation id of the request message. This is what will enable our Response servlet to locate the right response method from the queue out of all the responses placed on the queue.
So, now that the response has been placed on the response queue, we're ready to examine our Response servlet, and determine how it handles looking for the response.
Checking for Responses
You'll remember that the <META> tag will poll the ResponseServlet every three seconds to see if a response has been returned. That polling invokes the following doGet() method:
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
try { Response processingResponse = checkForMessages(req, resp); req.setAttribute("receivedResponse",processingResponse); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( getResponseURL(processingResponse)); disp.forward(req, resp); } catch (ProcessingException e) { log("ProcessingException + " + e); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( "/Error.html"); disp.forward(req, resp); } catch (NoRequestException e) { log("NoReplyException + " + e); RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( disp.forward(req, resp); } catch (ReplyTimeoutException e) { RequestDispatcher disp = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher( disp.forward(req, resp); } }
This method begins by checking for messages from the queue. We'll look at that method in a moment, but for the time being, let's just examine what happens after the method checkForMessages() runs. That method will either return a response, or throw one of several possible exceptions. Obviously, if a problem occurs (indicated by a ProcessingException) then that must be handled appropriately by displaying an error page. The more interesting case is where the checkForMessages() method throws a ReplyTimeoutException, which is what happens when the reply message has not been received on the response queue. In that case, it redisplays the Please Wait page shown above, and the browser will then re-query the response servlet 3 seconds later. If a Response is returned, it will locate the appropriate URL of the JSP or Servlet to display those results and forward to that URL.
So, now that you understand how responses are handled, let's look at the implementation of the checkForMessages() method and see how it checks the queue for responses.
public Response checkForMessages(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws
ProcessingException, NoReplyException,
Response responseObj = null;
try { HttpSession httpSess = req.getSession(true); String id = (String) if (id == null) throw new NoRequestException( "Not Waiting on a Message");
QueueSession session = conn.createQueueSession( false, javax.jms.Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
String selector = "JMSCorrelationID = '" + id + "'";
QueueReceiver rcvr = session.createReceiver(responseQueue, selector); Message receivedMsg = rcvr.receiveNoWait(); if (receivedMsg == null) { throw new ReplyTimeoutException( "No Reply Message Received"); } else { ObjectMessage inMsg = (ObjectMessage) responseObj = (Response) inMsg.getObject(); }
session.close(); return responseObj;
} catch (JMSException e) { throw new ProcessingException(e); } }
The first possible thing that can go wrong in this method is that the ResponseServlet has somehow been invoked when this user does not have any outstanding requests. The first few lines look in the User's HttpSession for an identifier named "CorrelationID", which should have been placed there by the servlet that originally made the request. If it is absent, then this is an error, and the NoRequestException is thrown.
After guaranteeing that there is an outstanding request for this user, then what happens is that the method creates a QueueReceiver on the response queue and then sets a message selector on the Queue. The message selector in JMS (see [Monson-Haefel]) is an implementation of the "Selective Consumer" pattern from [Hohpe]. What it does is to only return back those messages on the queue that have headers that match the pattern entered as the message selector. In this case, we are scanning for messages that have a correlation identifier matching the one held in the HttpSession (e.g. only responses for the last request made by this user). If there is a message on the queue matching that query, it will be returned from the receiveNoWait() method. If not, that method will immediately return null. A null return value means that the request is still being processed, so the method then throws the ReplyTimeoutException.
This is the last method of our implementation to review, and it brings up the last JMS design point to consider. In our design we've chosen to use a fixed request queue and a fixed response queue combined with a message selector on the response's correlation id to find only those messages that belong to a particular user. Another option would have been to use JMS temporary queues. In that case, we could have created a temporary queue for the response back in the packageRequest() method and then placed that temporary queue in the HttpSession. The problem with that approach is that it won't survive failure of the JVM in which the message was received. Since JMS temporary queues are not serializable, if the HttpSession is lost then the queue (and all of its messages) are lost as well. The message selector approach will work regardless of whether or not the JVM that receives the response is the same as the one that originally placed the request, since the message selector (being only a string) is easily serializable.[3] One thing that your designs should deal with, however, is what to do in case of VERY long queries, where the time it takes to execute the query is greater than the session timeout value, or when the user loses interest and closes the browser prior to the display servlet being able to fetch back the response message from the queue. [Hohpe] discusses strategies for clearing queues in situations like this.
Finally, there is an additional downside to the message selector approach. Many JMS providers (such WAS embedded messaging) do not have indexing capabilities. For a large number of queries, the use of a message selector could lead to poor performance due to the inefficiency of selecting out the required message. Thus, there's a potential tradeoff between performance and scalability that you need to carefully evaluate.
An Alternate User Interface Choice
What we have shown in this article is a mechanism for allowing each user to have a single outstanding request that is placed on a shared queue. However, what happens if you have not one, but several very long queries? And what if your users would like these queries to be able to run simultaneously instead of one at a time? Luckily, our basic Command-driven design can be adapted to solve that problem as well. In our design we've chosen to place a single correlation id in the HttpSession. However, it's not much of a stretch to imagine that you could instead place a collection of correlation id's in the HttpSession, with each one representing an independent query. In that case, what you would need to implement (instead of a single "please wait?" page) would be a page that shows the status of several queries at once. As the results are returned on the queue, the polled servlet that generates that page would add the completed query results into the HttpSession as well. The servlet would then indicate by a link which queries are completed, and thus available for review, and which ones are still in progress.
I will warn you, however, that if your problems are getting this sophisticated, that you should probably look into a commercial workflow tool like the WebSphere Process Choreographer (part of WebSphere Enterprise Edition) to solve this problem. At this point this is no longer a simple issue of avoiding threads; it's become a more complex problem.
In this article we've covered a lot of ground, but in essence only conveyed one simple idea. Rather than spinning off your own threads to handle long-running queries, it's best to let the container manage the threads by taking advantage of JMS messaging and Message-Driven Beans. Hopefully you now have the tools necessary to build your own systems using this approach, and can take advantage of the benefits of letting containers manage your threads.
Thanks to Bobby Woolf for his insightful comments in improving this article, and for catching a couple of technical errors as well. Also, thanks to Roland Barcia and Wayne Beaton for their suggestions for improvement to the article.
[Barcia] Roland Barcia, "JMS Application Architectures", The ServerSide, available at:
[Brown] Kyle Brown et. al., "Enterprise Java Programming with IBM WebSphere, 2nd Edition", IBM Press, 2004
[Brown 2003] Kyle Brown and Keys Botzum, "Improving HttpSession Performance through Smart Serialization", WebSphere Developer's Domain, December 2003
[Gamma] Erich Gamma, et. al., "Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software", Addison-Wesley, 1995
[Hohpe] Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf, "Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Buidling and Debugging Messaging Systems", Addison-Wesley, 2003
[Monson-Haefel] Richard Monson-Haefel, "Java Message Service", O'Reilly & Associates, 2001 [1] The META tag does so by setting the HTTP Refresh header. You can also set the Refresh header directly in your servlet code, but using a META tag is usually simpler. [2] This is described in the WebSphere technote described at [3] See [Brown 2004] for more information on why it's important to make object placed in an HttpSession Serializable for failover. Return to Top |
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