Our little rag is growing up! You may have noticed we've changed the name of our montly on-line publication from "The JavaRanch Newsletter" to "The JavaRanch Journal".
Since its inception almost two years ago, the talented authors behind this publication have contributed many informative articles creating a trove of knowledge read by many developers. We felt this collection of articles had begun to outgrow the publication's original name, and a new name was warranted.
Over the next few days and coming weeks, you might notice some changes as we spiff up the place and clean out those cobwebs of url patterns referencing "newsletter" to make some space for many more excellent articles to come.
We'd like any feedback on the JavaRanch Journal you might have. Love something? Hate something? Have an article to contribute? If you've anything to share, send me a note at dirk@javaranch.com. I hope to hear from you.
-- Dirk Schreckmann, The JavaRanch Journal Managing Editor