package com.rahul.patterns; import java.util.*; import javax.naming.*; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject; import*; import javax.sql.*; import javax.jms.*; import java.sql.*; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import javax.transaction.*; public class ServiceLocator{ private static Properties properties=null; private static ServiceLocator me; private static InitialContext context =null; private static Map cache=Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); private ServiceLocator() throws ServiceLocatorException{ try{ if(properties!=null){ context=new InitialContext(properties); }else{ context=new InitialContext(); } }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("Exception in Constructor ", ne); } } /** This method is to be used before invoking getInstance() of ServiceLocator for the * first time. The reason for this method is so that certain properties * can be passed to the InitialContext object during its creation. Examples of * such properties are * * "java.naming.factory.initial" key whose value is "weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory" * * in case of weblogic. * * @param pProperties The properties the InitialContext is to be passed while creation */ public void setup(Properties pProperties){; } /** Clears the JNDI cache being maintained by this class. */ public void refresh(){ cache.clear(); } /** The ServiceLocator class is implemented as a Singleton. * This method is the standard method as per the Singleton pattern and returns the static * reference to the ServiceLocator stored inside the ServiceLocator Class * @return The single instance of ServiceLocator stored inside this singleton * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when the instance is being created for the first time */ public static ServiceLocator getInstance() throws ServiceLocatorException{ if (me==null){ me=new ServiceLocator(); } return me; } /** Returns the cached EJBHome object for the requested service name. * @param PJNDIName The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param clazz The class name of the Object being looked up * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return EJBHome of the object being looked up */ private EJBHome getCachedHome(String pJNDIName, Class pClazz) throws ServiceLocatorException{ EJBHome home=(EJBHome)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (home==null){ home=getHome(pJNDIName,pClazz, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,home); } return home; } /** Returns the EJBHome object for the requested service name. * @param pJNDIName The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param pClazz The class name of the Object being looked up * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return EJBHome of the object being looked up */ public EJBHome getHome(String pJNDIName, Class pClazz , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if (pFromCache){ return getCachedHome(pJNDIName,pClazz); }else{ try{ Object objref=context.lookup(pJNDIName); EJBHome home=(EJBHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref,pClazz); return home; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("Exception when returning home",ne); } } } /** Returns the EJBHome object for the requested service name. * @param pServiceId The name of the service as defined in the Service class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return EJBHome of the object being looked up */ public EJBHome getHome(int pServiceId, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return this.getHome(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId),Services.getServiceClass(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the DataSource object for the requested service name. * @param pServiceId The service id as defined by the services * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return DataSource of the object being looked up */ public DataSource getDBConn(int pServiceId , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return this.getDBConn(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), pFromCache); } private DataSource getCachedDBConn(String pServiceName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ DataSource ds= (DataSource) cache.get(pServiceName); if(ds==null){ ds=getDBConn(pServiceName, false); cache.put(pServiceName,ds); } return ds; } /** Returns the DataSource object for the requested service name. * @param pJNDIName The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return DataSource of the object being looked up */ public DataSource getDBConn(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedDBConn( pJNDIName ); }else{ try{ DataSource ds=(DataSource)this.context.lookup(pJNDIName); return ds; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("NamingException in getDBConn",ne); } } } /** Returns the EJBObject object for the requested pEJBHomeJndiName name. * The EJBObject is not cached since the Home object is a factory * @param pEJBHomeJndiName The name by which the EJBHome object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param pEJBHomeClass The EJBHome class name * @param pEJBRemoteClass The EJBRemote class name * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return EJBObject */ // CustomerTerminal customerTerminal = //(CustomerTerminal)ServiceLocator.getStatelessEJB(pHomeJndiName, pHomeClass, pEJBRemoteClass); public EJBObject getStatelessEJB(String pEJBHomeJndiName , Class pEJBHomeClass, Class pEJBRemoteClass) throws ServiceLocatorException{ EJBObject ejbobject; EJBHome ejbhome = this.getCachedHome(pEJBHomeJndiName, pEJBHomeClass); try { Class aclass[] = new Class[0]; Object aobj[] = new Object[0]; Method method = ejbhome.getClass().getMethod("create", aclass); ejbobject = (EJBObject)method.invoke(ejbhome, aobj); } catch(NoSuchMethodException nosuchmethodexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Creation method doesn't exist" , nosuchmethodexception); } catch(IllegalAccessException illegalaccessexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Error accessing the create method" , illegalaccessexception); } catch(InvocationTargetException invocationtargetexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Error invoking the create method", invocationtargetexception); } catch(ClassCastException classcastexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException(" is not an EJBObject", classcastexception); } catch(RuntimeException runtimeexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Couldn't get remote interface " , runtimeexception ); } if(ejbobject != null) try { Class class1 = ejbobject.getClass(); // narrows the stub examples.ejb20.basic.statelessSession.TraderBean_3p5ifg_EOImpl_WLStub ejbobject = (EJBObject)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbobject, class1); // narrows to the remote examples.ejb20.basic.statelessSession.Trader ejbobject = (EJBObject)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ejbobject, pEJBRemoteClass); } catch(ClassCastException classcastexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Remote interface is not of type javax.ejb.EJBObject" , classcastexception ); } catch(RuntimeException runtimeexception) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Couldn't get remote interface for ", runtimeexception); } return ejbobject; } /** Returns the EJBObject object for the requested Service name. * The EJBObject is not cached since the Home object is a factory * @param pServiceId The ServiceId as defined in Services class * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return EJBObject */ public EJBObject getStatelessEJB(int pServiceId) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return this.getStatelessEJB(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), Services.getServiceClass(pServiceId), Services.getServiceRemoteClass(pServiceId)); } // TopicConnection and QueueConnection , Topic and Queue /** Returns the TopicConnectionFactory object bound to the pJNDIName * @param pJNDIName The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return EJBHome of the object being looked up */ public TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory(String pJNDIName, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedTopicConnectionFactory(pJNDIName); }else{ try{ TopicConnectionFactory topicConnectionFactory=(TopicConnectionFactory)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return topicConnectionFactory; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("unable to getTopicConnection " ,ne); } } } private TopicConnectionFactory getCachedTopicConnectionFactory(String pJndiName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ TopicConnectionFactory topicConnectionFactory=(TopicConnectionFactory)cache.get(pJndiName); if (topicConnectionFactory==null){ topicConnectionFactory=getTopicConnectionFactory(pJndiName, false); cache.put(pJndiName,topicConnectionFactory); } return topicConnectionFactory; } /** Returns the TopicConnectionFactory object bound to the pJNDIName from the Service * @param pServiceId The Service Name as defined in the Services class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return TopicConnectionFactory of the object being looked up */ public TopicConnectionFactory getTopicConnectionFactory(int pServiceId , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return getTopicConnectionFactory(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the QueueConnectionFactory object bound to the pJNDIName * @param pJNDIName The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return QueueConnectionFactory of the object being looked up */ public QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedQueueConnectionFactory(pJNDIName); }else{ try{ QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory=(QueueConnectionFactory)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return queueConnectionFactory; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("unable to getQueueConnectionFactory " ,ne); } } } private QueueConnectionFactory getCachedQueueConnectionFactory(String pJndiName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ QueueConnectionFactory queueConnectionFactory=(QueueConnectionFactory)cache.get(pJndiName); if (queueConnectionFactory==null){ queueConnectionFactory=getQueueConnectionFactory(pJndiName , false); cache.put(pJndiName,queueConnectionFactory); } return queueConnectionFactory; } /** Returns the QueueConnectionFactory object bound to the pJNDIName from the Service * @param pServiceId The Service Name as defined in the Services class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return QueueConnectionFactory of the object being looked up */ public QueueConnectionFactory getQueueConnectionFactory(int pServiceId, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return getQueueConnectionFactory(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the Topic object bound to the pJNDIName * @param pJNDIName The JNDIName of the Object being looked up * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return Topic of the object being looked up */ public Topic getTopic(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedTopic(pJNDIName); }else{ try{ Topic topic=(Topic)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return topic; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("unable to getTopic " ,ne); } } } private Topic getCachedTopic(String pJndiName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ Topic topic=(Topic)cache.get(pJndiName); if (topic==null){ topic=getTopic(pJndiName , false); cache.put(pJndiName,topic); } return topic; } /** Returns the Topic object bound to the pJNDIName from the Service * @param pServiceId The Service Name as defined in the Services class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return Topic of the object being looked up */ public Topic getTopic(int pServiceId , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return getTopic(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the Queue object bound to the pJNDIName * @param pJNDIName The JNDIName of the Object being looked up * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return Queue of the object being looked up */ public Queue getQueue(String pJNDIName, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedQueue(pJNDIName); }else{ try{ Queue queue=(Queue)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return queue; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("unable to getQueue " , ne); } } } private Queue getCachedQueue(String pJndiName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ Queue queue=(Queue)cache.get(pJndiName); if (queue==null){ queue=getQueue(pJndiName , false); cache.put(pJndiName,queue); } return queue; } /** Returns the Queue object bound to the pJNDIName from the Service * @param pServiceId The Service Name as defined in the Services class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exceps thrown * @return Queue of the object being looked up */ public Queue getQueue(int pServiceId , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return getQueue(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the cached EJBLocalHome object for the requested service name. * @param name The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param clazz The class name of the Home Object being looked up * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return EJBLocalHome of the object being looked up * */ private EJBLocalHome getCachedLocalHome(String name, Class clazz) throws ServiceLocatorException{ EJBLocalHome home=(EJBLocalHome)cache.get(name); if (home==null){ home=(EJBLocalHome)getLocalHome(name,clazz,false); cache.put(name,home); } return home; } /** Returns the EJBLocalHome object for the requested service name. * @param name The name by which the object is bound in the JNDI tree * @param clazz The class name of the Home Object being looked up * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return EJBLocalHome of the object being looked up */ public EJBLocalHome getLocalHome(String name, Class clazz , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ if(pFromCache){ return getCachedLocalHome(name,clazz); }else{ try{ Object objref=context.lookup(name); EJBLocalHome localHome=(EJBLocalHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objref,clazz); return localHome; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("Exception when returning localhome", ne); } } } /** Returns the EJBLocalHome object for the requested service name. * @param pServiceId The Service Name as defined in this class * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI to retrieve the object * @throws ServiceLocatorException If any errors occur on Lookup then this exception is thrown * @return EJBLocalHome of the object being looked up */ public EJBLocalHome getLocalHome(int pServiceId, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException{ return this.getLocalHome(Services.getServiceName(pServiceId), Services.getServiceClass(pServiceId), pFromCache); } /** Returns the mail Session object for the requested service name. * @param pJNDIName The JNDI name by which this parameter is to be looked up * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @return an instance of javax.mail.Session that is bound in the JNDI tree */ public javax.mail.Session getMailSession(String pJNDIName, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedMailSession(pJNDIName); }else { javax.mail.Session session=null; try{ session = (javax.mail.Session)context.lookup(pJNDIName); }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("Naming Exception thrown in getMailSession()", ne); } Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("", Services.HOST_NAME); return session.getInstance( props,null); } } /** Returns the cached mail Session object for the requested service name. * @param pJNDIName The JNDI name by which this parameter is to be looked up * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return javax.mail.Session */ private javax.mail.Session getCachedMailSession(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { javax.mail.Session session=(javax.mail.Session )cache.get(pJNDIName); if (session==null){ session=getMailSession(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,session); } return session; } private URL getCachedURL(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException{ URL url=(URL)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (url==null){ url=getURL(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,url); } return url; } /**returns the URL object bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the boolean value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public URL getURL(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedURL(pJNDIName); }else { try{ URL url = (URL)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return url; }catch(NamingException ne){ throw new ServiceLocatorException("Naming Exception thrown in getURL()", ne); } } } /**returns the boolean bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the boolean value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public boolean getBoolean(String pJNDIName, boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedBoolean(pJNDIName); }else { try { Boolean bool = (Boolean)context.lookup(pJNDIName); return bool.booleanValue(); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getBoolean failed with NamingException",ne); } } } private boolean getCachedBoolean(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Boolean bool=(Boolean)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (bool==null){ bool=new Boolean(getBoolean(pJNDIName ,false)); cache.put(pJNDIName,bool); } return bool.booleanValue(); } /**returns the String bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the String value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public String getString(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedString(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (String)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getString failed",ne); } } } private String getCachedString(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { String envEntry =(String)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (envEntry==null){ envEntry=getString(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the String bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the String value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Character getCharacter(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedCharacter(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Character)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getCharacter failed",ne); } } } private Character getCachedCharacter(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Character envEntry =(Character)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (envEntry==null){ envEntry=getCharacter(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); this.log("putting in cache and setting it as "+envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Byte bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Byte value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Byte getByte(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedByte(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Byte)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getByte failed",ne); } } } private Byte getCachedByte(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Byte envEntry =(Byte)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getByte(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Short bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Short value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Short getShort(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedShort(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Short)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getShort failed",ne); } } } private Short getCachedShort(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Short envEntry =(Short)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getShort(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Integer bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Integer value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Integer getInteger(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedInteger(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Integer)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getInteger failed",ne); } } } private Integer getCachedInteger(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Integer envEntry =(Integer)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getInteger(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Long bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Long value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Long getLong(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedLong(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Long)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getLong failed",ne); } } } private Long getCachedLong(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Long envEntry =(Long)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getLong(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Double bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Double value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Double getDouble(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedDouble(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Double)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getDouble failed",ne); } } } private Double getCachedDouble(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Double envEntry =(Double)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getDouble(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /**returns the Float bound by the pJNDIName in the JNDI tree * @param pJNDIName The name by which the String is bound in JNDI * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the Float value corresponding to the env pJNDIName name. */ public Float getFloat(String pJNDIName , boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { if(pFromCache){ return getCachedFloat(pJNDIName); }else { try { return (Float)context.lookup(pJNDIName); } catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("getFloat failed",ne); } } } private Float getCachedFloat(String pJNDIName) throws ServiceLocatorException { Float envEntry =(Float)cache.get(pJNDIName); if (pJNDIName==null){ envEntry=getFloat(pJNDIName, false); cache.put(pJNDIName,envEntry); } return envEntry; } /** * This method obtains the UserTransaction itself for a caller * The JNDI Name being looked up being "java:comp/UserTransaction" * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the UserTransaction corresponding to the name parameter */ public UserTransaction getUserTransaction(boolean pFromCache) throws ServiceLocatorException { String uTName=Services.USER_TRANSACTION_JNDI_NAME; UserTransaction userTransaction = null; if(pFromCache){ return getCachedUserTransaction(); }else{ try { if (cache.containsKey(uTName)) { userTransaction = (UserTransaction) cache.get(uTName); } else { userTransaction = (UserTransaction)context.lookup(uTName); } }catch (NamingException ne) { throw new ServiceLocatorException("Naming exception thrown",ne); } } return userTransaction; } /** * This method obtains the Cached UserTransaction itself for a caller * @param pFromCache if you want the result from cache the value is true else false * a parameter of false will invoke JNDI * @throws ServiceLocatorException This exception is thrown when a JNDI NamingException is thrown * @return the UserTransaction */ private UserTransaction getCachedUserTransaction() throws ServiceLocatorException { String uTName=Services.USER_TRANSACTION_JNDI_NAME; UserTransaction userTransaction = (UserTransaction)cache.get(uTName); if (userTransaction==null){ userTransaction=getUserTransaction(false); cache.put(uTName, userTransaction); } return userTransaction ; } private void log(String s) { if(VERBOSE) { System.out.println(s); } } boolean VERBOSE=true; }