
By Thomas Paul

Why we need a controller architecture

There are two basic architectures for JavaServer Pages (JSP) development. The first is a page-centric design that allows requests to be made directly to a JSP. The problem with this approach is that it will lead to JSPs with excessive embedded Java code.

The second, a Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture variant often called Model 2, is a controller design that uses servlets to handle requests and JSPs to handle presentation. This allows for easy separation of function. Although this is an improvement over the pure JSP model, this design is not without problems. If we code a separate controller servlet for each page, we can end up with dozens of almost identical servlets. If we code a single controller servlet, we end up with a monolithic class with a huge if/else statement that can be difficult to maintain. What's needed to solve this problem is a controller architecture that can handle the repetitive details while still remaining flexible and easy to maintain.

Figure: Model 2 architecture

What is Struts?

Struts is an open source application framework that provides a flexible and easy to use controller architecture. The nature of the framework helps to promote a Model 2 application architecture with clear separation of functionality. Struts includes a controller servlet, JSP custom tag libraries, and utility classes.

Struts is being developed as part of the Jakarta project, sponsored by the Apache Software Foundation. Since it is an open source project, it can be downloaded from and used for free.

In this article I will explain the installation of Struts and discuss some of the basic functionality that it provides. For purposes of this discussion, I will be working with Struts installed in Tomcat running on a Win32 platform. To demonstrate some of the functionality of Struts we will code a simple logon function.

The Struts Architecture

Struts provides the controller that will serve as the entry point for all requests into our application. The controller determines which Java class will handle a particular request by referring to an XML file that contains mappings of URL paths to Java classes. For a class to be usable by the Struts controller it must extend the Struts Action class. Struts will call the perform( ) method of the Action object passing it the Servlet request and response objects as well as some Struts objects which we will discuss in more detail later.

In addition, Struts can also be used to run a form pre-processor to do simple form validation. This is controlled through the same XML file. We will also discuss this topic.

Struts also has custom JSP tag libraries that can simplify JSP programming. Besides special functionality used in Struts programming, custom tags can provide commonly used functionality such as iterating through a collection. Since the Apache Project includes the development of common custom tag libraries, the Struts tag libraries may change in the future.

Installing Struts

The installation of Struts is a relatively simple process. We will first create a directory structure in our Tomcat installation that will allow us to create our test application. (In this example we are assuming that Tomcat has been isntalled to a directory named c:\tomcat.) Under the webapps directory in the tomcat installation directory, create a struts directory. Under that directory create two directories, jsp and WEB-INF. The jsp directory will be used to hold the JSPs we create for our application. Under the WEB-INF directory create two directories, classes and lib. The lib directory will hold the struts.jar file. The classes directory will be used to hold all the Java classes that we code. Under the classes directory, create a directory named test. Under the test directory, create a directory called struts.

Now download the struts installation file. This is available as either a zip or tar file from the Struts homepage. Uncompress the file. There are 20 files in this zip file but you do not need them all for your installation. Extract all the files ending in .tld (there should be six of them) and copy them into the struts/WEB-INF directory. Extract the struts.jar file and copy it into the struts/WEB-INF/lib directory. It must be installed in the each application's lib directory. Note this warning from the Struts installation document:

WARNING - Do NOT add struts.jar to the classpath of your Servlet container in an attempt to avoid placing it in the /WEB-INF/lib directory of each individual web app! Doing so will cause problems with ClassNotFoundException exceptions.

So let me reiterate: You must place the struts.jar file in the "struts\WEB-INF\lib" directory. If you don't your application will not work correctly. You will probably see this error: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Missing message for key title.login or you may see other errors.

You can also copy the struts.jar into the jre\lib\ext directory since you will need it to do compiles of programs using Struts. You should also add the servlet.jar file to that directory if you haven't already done it. You can find the servlet.jar file in the c:\tomcat\common\lib directory.

Once this has been completed, your directory structure and installed files (ignoring the other tomcat directories) should look something like this:

Figure: Directory structure of a Struts installation in Tomcat

web.xml File

There are two XML files that we, as Struts developers, will need to maintain. The first is the web.xml file for our application. This file is stored in the application WEB-INF directory. An example web.xml file is shown in Listing 1.

The first section of this file identifies the Struts controller class, ActionServlet and provides parameters for this class. The "application" parameter identifies a properties file that contains error messages used by the application. The "config" parameter identifies the Struts configuration file (more on this later).

The second section of the web.xml file tells Tomcat when to invoked the ActionServlet. In our example, ActionServlet will be invoked whenever a URL ending with ".do" is found. For example, will invoke the ActionServlet.

The final section identifies the Struts tag libraries.

Struts Configuration File

Listing 2 shows a simple struts-config.xml file that is passed as a parameter to the ActionServlet. It should be placed in the same directory as the web.xml file. The struts-config.xml file can have several sections. The first section we will look at is the <action-mappings> section. <action> tells Struts which class to invoke from the ActionServlet. Only the "path" and "type" are required entries. The "type" tells Struts which Action class to invoke when a URL with the model of the "path" is found. From the example in Listing 2, the URL will cause the ActionServlet to run a method in the class "LoginAction".

The other tag inside the <action> tag is the <forward> tag. This tag gives a way to identify which JSP should be given control by the Action class without coding it inside the class itself.

The Action Class

In order for a class to be entered in the <action-mappings> section and to be invoked by ActionServlet, it must extend the class org.apache.struts.action.Action (see Listing 3). The ActionServlet will execute the perform( ) method of the Action object. The perform method looks like this:

	public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
		HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
		throws, javax.servlet.ServletException

The ActionMapping and ActionForm objects will contain information found in the struts-config.xml <action-mappings> and <form-beans> sections. The HttpServletRequest and HttpServletResponse objects are from the servlet.

The perform( ) method must return an ActionForward object which will tell the ActionServlet which JSP gets control. You can either:

  1. create an ActionForward object giving the constructor a String representing the name of the JSP to invoke: return new ActionForward("MainMenu.jsp");
  2. use the ActionMapping object passed into the perform method to get the JSP from the <forward> tag found in the struts-config.xml file: return mapping.findForward("valid");

We will use the method 2 since it will make it easier to change the JSP without changing the Java class.

Listing 3 is a simple Action class. It instantiates a validation bean which validates that the user has rights to the system. In real life this might connect to a database using JDBC or connect to an LDAP server using JNDI or make calls to an EJB servers. If the user does not have rights the bean returns an ActionError object. The LoginAction class then routes the request to the correct JSP based on what the validation bean returns.

If you wish to run this example, follow these steps:

  1. Create the file (Listing 6) and compile it. Notice that the bean has a get and set method for each field that the JSPs will need.
  2. Copy the class file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF\classes\test\struts
  3. Create the file (Listing 3) and compile it.
  4. Copy the class file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF\classes\test\struts
  5. Create the file (Listing 4) and compile it.
  6. Copy the class file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF\classes\test\struts
  7. Create the LoginView.jsp file (Listing 7)
  8. Copy this file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\jsp
  9. Create the MainMenu.jsp file (Listing 8)
  10. Copy this file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\jsp
  11. Create the web.xml file (Listing 1)
  12. Copy this file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF
  13. Create the struts-config.xml file (Listing 2a)
  14. Copy this file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF
  15. Create the (Listing 5). This file contains the text to be displayed on the labels and buttons in the form providing us with a simple way to internationalize our form. Use for this purpose is optional.
  16. Copy this file to c:\tomcat\webapps\struts\WEB-INF\classes\test\struts
  17. Start Tomcat
  18. Enter in your browser and you should see a screen similar to figure 1.
  19. Enter a user id of "admin" and a password of "admin" and you should see a screen similar to figure 2.

Breaking Down the Action Class

Let's look at the main code of the perform( ) method:

First, we create our bean to validate the login information and make that bean available to our JSPs. We then pass the HttpServletRequest object to the validation bean so that it can extract the fields it needs to validate.

		LoginBean lb = new LoginBean( );
		request.setAttribute("LoginBean", lb);

We then call the validation bean to validate the information from the form returning to us an ActionErrors object. ActionErrors is a collection object that can hold ActionError objects. In a moment we will see why we use ActionErrors to report errors. We then add the ActionErrors object to the HttpServletRequest object to make it available to our JSPs. The key we use (Action.ERROR_KEY) is a standard key for ActionErrors objects in Struts.

		ActionErrors ae = lb.validate( );
		request.setAttribute(Action.ERROR_KEY, ae);

Finally, we look at the ActionErrors object that was returned to us and if it is null or empty (either of these can signify no errors in Struts) we forward to the main menu JSP. If the ActionErrors object contains an ActionError, we pass control to the Login JSP.

		if (ae == null || ae.size( ) == 0) {
			return mapping.findForward("valid");
		} else {
			return mapping.findForward("invalid");

Why use ActionErrors?

If the LoginBean finds an invalid login was attempted, it executes the following code:

	ActionErrors ae = new ActionErrors( );
	ae.add("userId", new ActionError("error.invalid.login"));
	return ae;

First it creates an ActionErrors object to hold the ActionError object it is about to create. Next, it creates the ActionError object passing a String to the constructor. The String is a key from the file (Listing 5). Then it adds the ActionError object to the ActionErrors collection giving it a String representing which particular field is causing the problem.

But why go to all this trouble to create ActionError objects in the first place? The reason has to do with the JSP. If we look at the LoginView.jsp we find this line:

<html:errors />

This tag will extract the information from the ActionErrors object and display all the errors neatly on the form (see Figure 3). The tag will use standard keys from the MessageResources file to display a header and footer around the error mesages. See the errors.header, errors.footer and error.invalid.login from the (Listing 5).

You can also use <html:errors property="userId" /> to display a particular message based on the key used when it was added to the ActionErrors object. This is useful if you want to display the message next to the field causing the error.

JSP Tags

If you look at LoginView.jsp, you will see that there are numerous references to the Struts tag libraries. For example:

	<struts:message key="heading.login" />
	<html:form action="/login">
	<html:text property="userId" size="10" />
	<html:password property="passWord" size="10" />
		<bean:message key="button.submit" />

Each of these can simplify the use of Struts, the writing of your JSP, and the internationalization of your application.

struts:message will replace this tag with the matching text found in the MessageResources file. This can simplify internationalization issues.

html:form will define the form tag with the listed action. The action is specified by using the path from the struts-config.xml file. It will be replaced with the correct form (/ before it is sent to the client. The html:form tag will also populate the input fields with the current property values from the bean associated with this form.

html:text and html:password will create either a text field or password field and populate it with the specified property from the bean associated with this form.

html:submit will generate a submit button for the form. We can use a struts:message inside the html:submit tag in order to specify the label on the button.

There are tags within Struts that allow you to create radio buttons, check boxes, and other form objects.

The ActionForm class

We have seen how the Struts architecture works and developed a simple Struts application. The one major piece we have not looked at is the ActionForm class which provides a simple way to do basic form validation.

In most applications there are some basic validations that need to be done on data from a form. This may include insuring that required fields are entered, that dates are in a valid format, that numeric fields contain numerics, etc. Struts provides a simple mechanism using form beans to provide this level of validation. Form beans (any class that extends ActionForm) should not connect to a database or provide complex validations.

Form beans will be given control by Struts before the Action class. If the form bean determines that the form is invalid it should return an ActionErrors object containing an ActionError object for each error found. Struts will then return the input JSP back to the user with the errors displayed on the form. The Action class will not be invoked unless an empty ActionErrors object or a null is returned.

Listing 4 displays a sample form bean. A form bean must extend ActionForm and should have a get and set method for each field on the form. Struts will run the validate( ) method of the form bean. The validate( ) method looks like this:

public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping,
		HttpServletRequest request) {

	ActionErrors ae = new ActionErrors( );

	if (userId == null || userId.equals("")) {
		ae.add("userId", new ActionError(""));

	if (passWord == null || passWord.equals("")) {
  		ae.add("passWord", new ActionError(""));

	return ae;

The code itself is fairly simple and should be familiar from the LoginBean.

To activate this form bean we need to add a few entries to the struts-config.xml file. Listing 2a shows the revised file. First we need to add a defintion for the bean itself:

  	<form-bean name="login" type="test.struts.LoginForm" />

Next we turn on validation for the login and define the input form. The input form is used by Struts to determine which JSP to give control to when the form bean returns ActionErrors:


	    <forward name="valid" path="/jsp/MainMenu.jsp" />
	    <forward name="invalid" path="/jsp/LoginView.jsp" />

Now whenever the login is attempted, LoginForm will run and validate that the required fields are entered before control is passed LoginAction. If the fields are not entered then the form will be redisplayed and LoginAction will not run. Figure 3 shows the output of a failed login attempt.

Figure: MVC architecture with example classes

Wrapping It Up

That is a brief look at the basics of Struts. There is much more to Struts and the custom tag libraries contain a lot more functionality than we have touched upon in this article. I recommend that anyone doing servlet/JSP/EJB development take a look at Struts. Even if you choose not to use it, I think it will give you some good ideas about the proper way to build a Model 2 architecture.

Meanwhile, Struts development continues. The Struts custom tag libraries are being merged with the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). Struts for Transforming XML with XSL (stxx) is available. To keep up-to-date with what is going on in Struts and to find out how others are using Struts, you can subscribe to the STRUTS-USER mailing list.