Answers to Core XML | |
Author: Mapraputa Is |
1. Answer : b XML document must have at least the document element (root). 2. Answer : a 3. Answer : a b is wrong because root tag is missing c is wrong because tags are nested unproperly d is wrong because the closing tag is omitted 4. Answers : a c e f It is illegal to omit quotation marks around attribute values. 5. Answer : a 6. Answer : b 7. Answer : a b is wrong because there can't be a space after opening "<" character; c and d are wrong because there can't be a space between "/" and ">" 8. Answer: a 9. Answer: a 10. Answers: b d 11. Answers: a b c 12. Answer: b Only one attribute with type ID is permitted for each element. 13. Answers: c d Well-formed XML document is not allowed to use "<" and "&" characters within an attribute value 14. Answers: a c 15. Answer: b a is wrong because the string "--" is not allowed inside comments c is wrong because comment cannot be placed inside a tag d is wrong because comments cannot be nested. 16. Answers: a c b is wrong because cdata should be CDATA d is wrong because symbols "]]>" are the only symbols that are not allowed in a CDATA section are. 17. Answer: a 18. Answer: b a is wrong because the XML declaration must be right at the beginning of the file 19. Answer: b a and c are wrong because required attribute version is missing d is wrong because version, encoding and standalone attributes must be in that order 20. Answers: b, c, d 21. Answers: d 22. Answer: c |